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Seulgi's POV
"You really are a Game Queen" I said looking at her like she belongs to me and only me SO BACK OFF.
"Thank you Seul,you're really good too" she said smiling back,we made a 1 minute eye contact still smiling at each other,I then looked at the game since it was turning into a awkward situation.
"You know,you blush really fast" she said in a teasing tone,I looked at her and giggled but I was cut off when she said "You're really cute when you blush" that made my heart beat faster (La-la-la-la-la... Heart b-b-b-beat)
We played until 12:19 then we both were falling asleep,I turned it off and jumped on my bed I fall asleep as soon as I put my head on the pillow,cuddling with Joohyun because she asked me to 'WHAT JOOHYUN WANTS SHE GETS'
I woke up and It was 8:21 am,I looked down,there is Joohyunie so cute adorable.
In my mind "How can someone be this angelic and such a cutie adorable baby?"
I slowly got up from the bed and covered her with a blanket because of course I didn't wanted Baechu to catch a cold. I thought she would be hungry when she wakes up so I went downstairs to the kitchen.My mom was there. "Good morning sweetheart"
"Morning mom" I said as I opened the fridge and got some water out to drink as I was taking a sip of it my mom spoke.
"So?" I looked at her like "Huh??"
"Don't act like you don't know what I'm asking for?" at that I raised my eyebrows in confusion
"Come on baby,tell me ..Did you do it?" At that I spit the water right on her face,she laughed I was blushing madly "EOMMAAA!"
She grabbed a towel and cleaned it
"YA seriously we are just great friends!!"
My mom laughed again "Okay sweetie believe whatever you want to" she said and left the kitchen laughing.
"Oh by the way I prepared you girl breakfast because I know you are too bad at that" we both laughed and she left.
I held the food upstairs and slowly opened the door,placed the food on the table and went to the bathroom to wash my face hands and brush my teeth.I then went back to my room and sat down on the couch and started to eat. Soon Joohyunie woke up.
"Good morning Bear" I said giggling she looked confused then she realized she was wearing the bear ones "Good morning Bunny" she giggled asleep.
"Aigoo come on Baechu wake up and shine bright" I loudly said.
"Yeah sure,but can I go to the bathroom first?" I giggled and nodded,after some minutes she came back.
"Did you sleep well?" I cutely asked and she smiled and nodded.
"Great" I smiled and continued eating.

-fast forward-
Baechu was with my mom in the kitchen and I was watching TV 'Gosh I hope she's alright there'


Seulgi's mom POV

"You are really good at this,thank you sweetheart..or should I say Seulgi's Baechu" I liked to tease the girls,it was obvious my daughter loves this girl but I wanted to know if the other felt the same.
"Thank you Mrs Kang,is the least I could do" at that I laughed
"Don't be so formal,I told you,you don't have to be so formal to me" I said giggling.
"Ok-ay" she shyly said, "What if I tease her a little bit more?😁"
"So Joohyun"
"What do you think of my daughter?" She blusher again and then answered "Seulgi? She is a really nice girl,sometimes she could be annoying but I find it kinda cute,she is very friendly,I really like her"
At that I smilef and then I noticed she was wearing some bear pyjamas. "Are those Seulgi's?" She nodded "You are wearing her bear pyjamas? Hmmm interesting are you two like together?" She shook her head saying "No no no no no"
"Aniii we aren't,we are just good friends" she said as she blushed even more when she saw me smirking.
"That's sad because my daughter loves you very much,she always talks about you,she told me you look like a bunny and she wasn't lying you really look like a bunny,she even bought a bunny toy and she sleeps with it" I explained,her eyes were widened,she stayed quiet for a sec then she spoke.
"I don't think so,we are just friends,and I want to keep it this way" she said smiling.
"So these two are hiding it hmmmm,Okay"
We heard a knock on the door and looked at it it was Seulgi.

Seulgi's POV
It's been 30 minutes since my mom called Joohyunie,I was getting worried so I decided to go to the kitchen I heard them talking and I heard something that I shouldn't ,it really hurted me and I don't know why!
I knocked on the door and they looked at me "Mom me and Joohyun should be going now"
"Okay honey"
We left and we went to my bedroom again because Hyunie had to help me with my science homework.
"Okay so what is it that you don't get?" Joohyun cutely asked me "Why are you being like this"
"This this this and that actually all of them" she giggled and then started to explain.
I couldn't focus I was distracted by my mom's and Joohyun conversation which the words I hated kept repeating in my mind.

"I don't think so,we are just friends,and I want to keep it this way"
"I don't think so,we are just friends,and I want to keep it this way"
"I don't think so,we are just friends,and I want to keep it this way"
My thoughts were interrupted when Joohyun touched my shoulder
"Seulgi? Are you okay?"
I looked at her and I couldn't stop thinking about those words,they were killing me.
"Why ? Why am I feeling this? What's wrong with me? Why would that hurt me? Just why"


A/N:Hey guys I'm back,I know I said I was gonna post yesterday but I fell asleep 미안해요
I hope you enjoyed this chapter☺️😓

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