Bloody Hell

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Noore has been the head of the arena, and has led to the deaths of many people in Kyrat. Though you know what led her down this path, the Golden Path wants her head on a stake.

Amita and Sabal told Ajay and I to head to the Shanath Arena. For once, they can agree on something. They agree that Noore needs to be eliminated from Kyrat and off the face of the Earth. Personally, I am not too fond of Noore for throwing Ajay into the arena with no fucking idea of what was about to happen. So, I won't have a problem taking her out, she needs it. She deserves it.

 "Looks like we actually need to do some grappling to find a secret entrance into the arena.  The door is crowded, shit. There is a grapple point up high, to the right of the entrance into the Arena."

"I see some path into the ventilation system." Ajay says, following behind me as I grapple up a little mountain side and into the backstage entrance. Everything was telling me this was going to be a bad experience for Ajay, he was different since he had been in the Arena, a coldness had washed over him when he was required to take someone out. It was dark, but nothing I hadn't seen before in Kyrat.

"Grapple up there first." Ajay tells me. We both enter the door and begin weaseling our way into Noore's base. I get very nervous for Ajay, I wasn't the one who was going to be speaking with Noore, that was supposed to be Ajay's duty. 

There was quite a few tight corridors to maneuver through, and a handful of soldiers to handle. We try our best to keep a low profile and takedown these soldiers. We were supposed to find the animals and let them out, but that is located in the Control Room. We stay low and keep our heads down as we find our way to the control room.

This room seems to only have one soldier inside which is the "brains" behind the arena. I see a number of levers that activate the ability to unleash the predatory animals into the arena. I look at Ajay and we both pull the levers down multiple times and enjoying it while doing so. I found myself having a good time being totally destructive and irresponsible but I loved it.

I could hear Noore from the deceased soldiers radio, and she didn't sound very pleased. She sounded very upset and wanted whoever it was in the control room dead. It was only seconds before soldiers would come into the room to ambush Ajay and I. 

Instead, we sneak past the furious bloodthirsty soldiers and are able to get into the arena and behind Noore. I look above Noore and see an arena full of people screaming and having the time of their lives. It was like time had froze for a second. Ajay was holding his pistol in his left hand, but couldn't bring himself to it point at Noore. Instead, Ajay decides to just simply confront her for what she's done. 

"People of Kyrat, I have given you winners to cheer for and losers to mock. But none so bloody, so desperate, as today's gladiators. But there is always more blood to come!" Noore yells, throwing her hands in the air with intent of expression. Ajay was slowly walking closer to Noore.

Ajay gently grabs Noore's shoulder and she turns around nervously, and immediately asks him where her family is. Sadly, her family was already dead. And had been for years now. It was hard to hear, but she needed to know.

"I'm sorry, Noore," Ajay holds her as she breaks down, "Pagan had them killed years ago." Noore, just sits there for a second, crying into Ajay. She pushes him away and grabs Ajay's knife.

"I don't need your pity. I want my family back." She yells at us, throwing the kn ice around like a crazy person. She looked distraught, I mean, how would you feel if you were told your family was dead?

"Listen, I'm sorry. But you're free now." Ajay tries to talk sense into her, but she's a mess. She looked like she had been hit by a semi truck going ninety miles an hour on the interstate.

"Free? Free from what? All the people I've killed? From everything I've done. I gave them this taste for blood, your blood, mine..." Noore explains to us, but she is out of it. She's very upset and isn't in the right mind set.

"Isn't that what you want? More blood?" Noore faces the audience wholly cheer for more blood, and Noore listens to their requests. 

"Noore-" I try to stop her, but she was already too deep to be saved...

"TAKE MORE! TAKLE ALL OF IT YOU FUCKING ANIMALS!" Noore screams as she slides the blade down her entire forearm, leaking blood like a waterfall. Blood soon covered the ground beneath her feet of the arena.

"No, now I'm free." Ajay and I stood there in shock as she began to fall into the arena full of hungry, no, starving tigers, wolves, and asian rhinos. We stood in horror as the animals chowed down on her limp body, pulling her limbs away from her body. It was a sight you couldn't just unsee. The blood covered the arena like an artist had dropped a bucket of red paint in a messy pattern on a blank canvas. It looked like a scene form a horror movie; but a very realistic one. This wasn't a fantasy, this is reality.

I leaned into Ajay's shirt and hid my face, Ajay protectively places his hands around my body and he walks me outside of the arena.

I would never come back to the arena again. Ever.

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