City of Worry

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"Ajay, did you get my family?" Noore says from Ajay's radio. She expects a lot from him, considering she's the one who decided it would be cool to throw Ajay into the arena.

"Not yet, I'm making my way there." Ajay responds, and looks at me. I smile at him, but he doesn't say anything. I'm not going to lie, this was not going to be easy. Capturing Paul without anyone finding out, seeing us, or hearing us was one very difficult task. I wasn't sure if we were going to do so successfully...

"Okay...Look, you must sneak in. It's important. Paul is a rat, and rats always find their way off a sinking ship. He can't suspect anything, until it's too late. And don't forget, Ajay, he's throwing a party. Find out where he's kidnapping his meat and sneak in with them." Noore says, and Ajay listens. I come with a plan, a plan to get Ajay in and out as soon as possible.

"Ajay, I think I have a plan. When we get to the outpost, you sneak in the vehicle and get to the compound. When you get there, send me the coordinates and I'll be there as fast as I can with a car. Amita will send me coordinates of where they want him. I can take you both there." I spit out, looking at the entire situation logically. Which, made sense. I could tell Ajay was following because he always furrows his eye brows when he's focused. 

It was something I had picked up on, not exactly asked about. He would always have little things, quirks, that he would do when certain things happened or when he was in a mood. He was like a butterfly coming out of a cocoon, you knew he was upset, but the next thing you know he's happy and ecstatic about life.

"You ready?" I ask him, getting ready to switch seats with him as he goes to the outpost. I was nervous, to say the least. If he gets caught, he could be killed. The guards were ruthless, they would do anything to please Paul, or anyone with any sort of authority for that matter.

"As ready as I'll ever be."  He says, getting out of the drivers seat and smiling at me. He had the sweetest smile with glossed eyes to match perfectly. He was so beautifully average, but that's what made him different in my eyes.

"Ajay," I say before learning in for a kiss, "be careful." I smile, and begin to back out of the road to turn around. 

"Amita, I'm going after Paul. Delilah is going with me as backup." I hear Ajay radio to Amita just before pulling away. 

I listened to the sound of my own heartbeat, heading to a hiding spot to wait for Amita to send me coordinates. It was a painfully long time, like maybe she had forgotten. Which, normally would have made me annoyed, but makes me furious as Ajay is risking his life yet again for the fucking Golden Path.

"Sending you the coordinates now. Delilah, do not get caught." Amita says through my radio, and I reply with a simple 'okay' and start to drive to the compound.

City of Pain, huh? What a fitting name...

As Long As I Have You // A. GhaleWhere stories live. Discover now