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Jisung's POV

"Class please welcome Lee Minho, he will be joining our class starting today." Mr Park announced.

I raised my head wearily to watch a brown haired boy enter the room. He carried himself in a cool way, which made me stare in awe until I realised he was probably going to be another one of my bullies.

He just looked like that sort of person who would sit by and watch me get bullied. Maybe throw in a few insults or punches himself, to get a reaction out of me.

"Hello, I'm Lee Minho. I hope we'll get along." he bowed and then made eye contact with me when he lifted his head.

I quickly looked down, feeling my cheeks burn red in embarrassment. 

He couldn't have noticed me staring right? He'll definitely make fun of me for that.

"Okay Minho you can take the spare seat on the far left beside the wall." Mr Park pointed to the spot behind me.

Great, he was in the perfect position to poke and kick my chair.


I knew it, he was just like the others. I ignored him and hunched over my desk as I waited for class to start.

Poke poke.

I heard the familiar sniggers of my bullies and I turned around to glare at Minho. 

He looked at me with a confused expression. "Can I borrow a pen?"

A pen?

"Y-you want to borrow a p-pen?" I stuttered, mentally face palming at how stupid I sounded.

"Yeah..." he trailed off and glanced at Taeyong who was sitting on the table next to mine, laughing into his hand. "Do you have a spare?"

"Sure." I turned quickly and took out my only pen before handing it to him.

"Thank you." he smiled.

"No problem." I whispered, turning back to the front with my cheeks now even redder than before.

I can do without a pen for this lesson right? I'll use a pencil and copy my notes up when I get home.

The small butterflies I felt in my chest quickly disappeared when I thought about how I'd never ever see that beautiful smile again once he finds out I'm the class reject.

No one wants to be friends with the kid that gets bullied in fear of getting bullied themselves.

Luckily for me I was mostly distracted throughout the lesson so I didn't have much to write down. That didn't mean well for my grades though, I was already failing most classes.

The bell rang signalling end of first period and I slammed my notebook shut so the teacher wouldn't tell me off for writing in pencil. I continued like this until lunch time, the time of day I hate the most.

"Yo Han." Taeyong stood beside my table. "Go buy me a sandwich from the canteen."

"Buy me one too." Yuta slung his arm around Taeyong's shoulders and smirked at me.

I stood up quickly, grabbing my wallet before speed walking out the classroom.

"Run! If you're not back here in a minute I'll hurt you Han!" Taeyong yelled.

I began to run even though it was forbidden to run in the corridors, ignoring the stares and angry shouts of teachers. I made it to the canteen in no time and shifted from one foot to the other as waited in the queue.

No way in hell was I going to be back in less than a minute. I sighed and slouched down, already submitting myself to my fate.

Once I had grabbed two sandwiches and paid for them I ran back to class, sweat making my fringe stick to my forehead. 

"You're late." Taeyong grabbed my hair and pulled it to the side.

"It-it hurts!" I cried out, weakly putting my hands up to stop him from pulling my hair off my scalp. 

"It hurts huh?" he smirked.


"Do you know what else hurts?" he tightened his grip. "My stomach from waiting for so long for the food."

"I'm s-sorry..."

"Sorry isn't good enough Han." he had now put his face right in front of my so I could feel the heat from his breath against my face. "Meet me at the entrance after school."

He shoved me harshly so that I tripped over my own feet and fell into the tables, my head hitting one of them.

"Oww." I groaned and held onto my head. I could feel tears building up but I refused to let them drop in front of Taeyong.

"What was that for?" I heard a cold voice ask.

"He deserves it." Yuta scoffed.

"For not bringing you food in the designated amount of time? He deserves to be pushed and bullied for that? Really?"

For the first time ever someone was sticking up for me.

"Hey Minho, watch yourself. You don't know how things are around here, if you did you wouldn't defend him." Taeyong replied in an equally cold voice.

"So tell me, what did he do to deserve this?"


"Actually save it, I'd rather hear it from his own mouth than hear a rumour from bullies." he held out a hand for me to take.

I stared up at him for a few seconds, unsure of whether to trust him or not. Taking a leap of faith I put my hand in his and let him pull me up.

"Let's go." he kept his hand in mine and pulled me along with him.

"Where to?" I asked nervously.

"The nurse's office of course, you banged your head pretty bad."

"Oh." I touched the side of my head tentatively and hissed in pain.

He shot me a worried glance as we entered the office. "You shouldn't let them push you around Jisung."

"How do you know my name?" I cocked my head to the side, I was sure I hadn't introduced myself to him.

There it was, the adorable, beautiful smile I was scared I would never see again.

"It was on your pen, Han Jisung."

My First and Last ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now