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Jisung's POV

Months went by and Taeyong no longer bothered me except for the glares he threw in my direction. Whenever I was surrounded by my friends he made sure to steer well clear of the group.

Mr Park apologised to Minho and I for suspending us, but he didn't enforce any punishment onto Taeyong in fear that his parents would stop sponsoring the school.

It was currently a hot afternoon in May and we were relaxing before the long grind to exam week.

"Wanna get bubble tea?" Seungmin suggested as he laid sprawled out on the sofa in Chan's living room.

"Sure I could use something cold to drink." Chan stood up and we all followed suit.

"Do you guys want to go to the trampoline park since we still have time to spare before revision starts?" Hyunjin was scrolling through his phone as we walked.

We all agreed and decided to go to the trampoline park first before getting bubble tea. After buying our tickets I followed the others to find a locker and change my socks into those non-slip socks they provided at the counter.

Minho grabbed my hand with a sly grin as soon as we entered the park and pulled me along with him as we ran up two flights of stairs to the top.

"How... do you have... so much energy?" I panted breathlessly.

He smirked as he bounced on a trampoline. "Let's have a race."

"Are you joking? I feel like I've just ran a damn marathon." I said but eventually agreed when the smile dropped from his face.

We bounced to one side of the room and I awaited Minho's command.

"3, 2, 1... GO!"

Minho was already two trampolines ahead of me by the time I'd stepped foot onto the first one which made me groan and want to give up already.

He turned around briefly to look at me and laugh at how far behind I was. He bounced on the spot teasingly and mocked me from a distance.

His expression immediately changed when I felt motivated to beat him and he fell over backwards in shock. I had almost caught up to him when he'd scrambled to his feet and started to jump towards the finish line once again.

"Who's the one laughing now?" I mocked as we jumped together.

He let out an annoyed groan and suddenly jumped sideways into me, knocking me to the ground with him on top of me.

"Hey!" I protested.

I gulped as I stared up into his eyes, which were gazing down at me fiercely.

"You tricked me." he whispered.

"You got distracted." I whispered back.

He paused, his eyes flicking to my lips. "Who wouldn't get distracted by you?"

I blushed furiously and brought his head down so that we could kiss.

"Will you look at that? They can't keep their hands off each other even for a second." Hyunjin's voice made us break away and look at him sheepishly.

"Shut up Hyunjin." Minho glared and helped me to my feet. "Go back to Seungmin."

"He's waiting for us downstairs, we're going to play dodge ball. I thought I would come and let you know... but if you're too busy..."

"No we're coming." I sent Minho a look and we shuffled behind Hyunjin towards the section that had foam balls.

There were a few random kids in the area but apart from that the whole squad was here, and everyone was already holding a ball each.

My First and Last ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now