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Jisung's POV

Monday came quicker than I'd hoped and before I knew it I was walking to my house hand in hand with Minho.

I was quieter than usual because I was too nervous to think about anything over than what my mother would say or do to me.

I opened the front door as quietly as possible and ushered Minho up the stairs in front of me.

"Is she even home? Surely she would have heard you opening the front door." Minho pointed out.

"Dunno, maybe she's setting up a death trap or something." I muttered as I stripped off my shirt and trousers.

Minho shamelessly stared at me while I changed my clothes, not even having the decency to look embarrassed that I'd caught him gawking.

"What?" he asked when he noticed my raised eyebrows. "I can't help but look when I see something I like."

I blushed furiously and shoved my homework into my bag. "Come on you dork, let's go before my mum appears."

We sprinted down the stairs and out the door, thankfully my mother was no where to be seen and we walked to school feeling slightly better.

Of course the first person to greet us when we walked into the classroom was no other than Lee Taeyong.

"Have a nice suspension boys?" he smirked.

"It was great thanks." Minho replied sarcastically. "Nice to be away from your annoying ass."

"Jisung." Mr Park called me from the doorway. "Follow me please, and bring your bag."

I shot Minho a confused look and he looked at me worriedly.

"I'll be fine." I muttered to him as I walked past and followed Mr Park.

"Did you check the CCTV footage?" I asked him as we walked down the corridor together.

"We'll talk about that some other day, right now I just have to send the new boy in the direction of the classroom and get down to business about you and your mother."

"There's another new kid?" I ignored the last past of his sentence before I realised what he had said. "Wait, what about me and my mother?"

A red haired boy stood in front of Mr Park's office and glanced up at me shyly before looking away.

"Right, our classroom is the second door on the left. Wait outside for me, I won't be long." Mr Park told him before turning to me and lowering his voice.

"Your mother told me you ran away from home, she's currently inside my office crying her eyes out Jisung how could you do that to her?"

I scoffed. "Crying? She's probably crying of happiness."

He opened the door to reveal my mother sniffing into a handkerchief.

Her eyes widened when she saw me. "Jisung! I was so worried!" she stood and immediately hugged me.

I stood frozen, unsure of how to react.

She pulled away and placed her hands on my shoulders. "I searched everywhere for you... was it because of the part-time job? Is that why you ran away?"

I shrugged off her hands. "You know why I ran away."

Fresh tears ran out her eyes, wow she was a good actress.

She began to have a coughing fit and held onto the chair for support while using the other hand to cover her mouth.

"Ever since you left I've been feeling really sick and I would really appreciate it if you came home to look after me. I won't ask for much, I just want to be near my son." she smiled at me.

I was conflicted. It had been so long since I'd seen that smile and it was making me want to believe her words.

"O-okay?" I answered but it sounded like a question. "I'll look after you."

Her eyes lit up. "Thank you Jisung, thank you so much." she coughed.

I looped her arm in mine and looked at Mr Park. "I'll be back tomorrow, I guess?"

He nodded. "I'll sign you out for a family emergency, look after your mother Jisung - you've only got one."

I hummed in response and helped my mother walk since her coughs were so strong that they racked her whole body.

"Do you want me to make you something to eat?" I asked her as we walked out the school building.

"That would be lovely." she replied.

I was happy she wasn't shouting at me for once, even though I wanted to be with Minho... I also wanted to strengthen the relationship I had with my mother. If me running away is what it took for her to realise she was in the wrong... I'd forgive her.

We reached the house and I led her to the living room so that she could sit while I cooked something up. I put down my backpack next to the couch and headed to the kitchen.

"Jisung." she called out.

"Yeah mum?" I turned back.

"I left my phone in your room, could you get it for me please?" she said weakly.

I nodded and made my way up the stairs. As soon as I stepped in my room I noticed something different, except I couldn't quite place my finger on exactly what was different.

I searched around for her phone but couldn't find it anywhere.

Was it under the bed? I ducked down and used my arm to stretch out and feel around for the object.

"Mum, I can't find your phone anywhere!" I yelled and stood up.

I was about to exit my room when I noticed what was different. I turned around slowly and stared, suddenly feeling nauseous.

Was that what I thought it was?

My First and Last ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now