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Jisung's POV

Days passed and still no sign of hope. I was a mess - mentally and physically.

My clothes stuck to my body with sweat, my hair was all over the place and I had finished my hidden supply of food. If someone was to see me now, they'd be disgusted.

I wouldn't blame them, I was disgusted with myself too.

"Jisungie are you okay? Please reply, I'm so worried about you."

I lifted my head and looked at the door.

"The teacher told me you are looking after your mother. I hope this is true and that you're actually fine. You're not dead are you? I think I'm going to go crazy. I miss you."

My mother stopped talking and let out a loud laugh. "Who's this Minnie that keeps sending you messages Han?"

My heartbeat sped up and I stumbled towards the door.

"Give me my phone." I begged.

"Ah I've unlocked your phone, how predictable... using your birthday as your pass code." she scoffed. "I'm going to reply to Minnie and say you're doing just fine."

"Don't you dare! Don't you dare message him!" I shouted and banged on the door.

"What's the fun in that?" I heard her footsteps fade away.

I punched the door until my knuckles were bleeding, I was too mad to feel the pain.

When I'd calmed down I slumped my back against the door and slid to the floor.

"Minho." I whimpered. "Please save me."

It was a surprise I hadn't run out of tears because of all the crying I'd been doing recently.

"I don't know how much longer I can go on." I sobbed. "I don't want to stay in here until I die... two weeks ago I wouldn't have cared and would have accepted my fate but now I have you... my reason for living."

I sighed. "You're Lee Know, apparently you're super clever and know the answers to everything. Well right now I need you to know I need your help."

"I miss you Minnie... but you can't hear me." I whispered the final part and stared at my hands that were covered in blood.

I heard a loud knock on the front door but didn't react. The only thought that flitted through my mind was why they couldn't ring the bell like everyone else.

Then I heard shouting. Was the police here? Did Minho notice it wasn't me replying to his texts?


Was I hallucinating? The voice was vaguely familiar, but it wasn't Minho's.

"Jisung are you there?!" the voice shouted again.

I stood up shakily. "I'm- I'm in here!" I shouted back.

"Here's in here." a different voice said.

I stepped back as the door unlocked and I stared at the two people in front of me - one familiar and the other unfamiliar.


I couldn't believe my eyes, had he come to rescue me? I looked at the other person with a frown. Where was Chan?

Felix noticed my confused expression and rushed to explain. "This is Hyunjin, one of my friends. Minho is downstairs with everyone else trying to knock some sense into your mum."

"Everyone else?" I repeated.

Before he could answer, a stampede ran up the stairs and crowded into my room.

My First and Last ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now