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Jisung's POV

"It's Friday so we could go to the cinema, eat at a restaurant or a café, go to the park... you pick." Minho said as he changed his clothes.

"I heard a cat café opened up recently not far from here." I told him.

"You want to go there?" he fixed his hair while looking in the mirror.

"Yeah, I like cats." I grinned.

"Cool sounds like a deal. I'll ask my mum if you can stay over until Monday before we leave, then we can sneak out and come back later as if you were never here."

I nodded and stood next to him to comb my fingers through my hair.

"You know what I noticed last night?" he looked at my reflection in the mirror. "Your hair is super soft, you've gotta tell me what shampoo you use."

"I don't use any special shampoo, actually I can't even remember the brand name..."

He stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He sniffed at my hair before laying his head on my shoulder.

"You smell delicious." he growled and placed kisses on my shoulder and neck.

I closed my eyes and rolled my head to the side to give him better access. I let out a moan as he started to nibble and suck on my skin.

"Seems like I've found the sweet spot."

I opened my eyes to see him smirking at me in the mirror. 

I blushed a deep red and pushed him away.

"Someone's shy." he smirked.

"I'm sure you'd react the same way if I did it to you." I grumbled and picked up my bag.

"Do you want to test out that theory?" he bit his lip with a grin and moved his head to the side. "Go ahead."

"N-no!" I stuttered and hit him lightly. "Not now."

"Aww." he pouted.

"You're embarrassing me." I covered my face with both my hands. "Can we go already?" 

"Fine." he laughed. "Let me just check and see where my mother is."

He opened the door. "Mum?" he called.

"Yeah?" her voice was close.

"Oh crap crap crap go back inside." he hissed and pushed me lightly. I stepped backwards and he closed the door slightly with him outside.

"I'm going out now." I heard him say.

"Here's the food you asked for. Also I contacted Felix and Chan's parents, I know you were close to them before we moved. I asked if they wanted to come over for dinner tomorrow, is that okay with you?"

"That's great!" he replied in an excited tone. "Is it okay if I have a friend sleeping over this weekend?" 

"Sure Min, have a good day alright? See you later."

A few seconds passed and I heard a door close.

"Come on." Minho opened the door and grabbed my hand.

I followed him silently and let out the breath I'd been holding when we left the house.

"How about we go to the tree house first and eat breakfast, then we can go to the cat café." he suggested.

I nodded in reply, a nagging feeling tugging at my brain but I tried to ignore it. At least, I tried to ignore it until Minho noticed my troubled expression.

My First and Last ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now