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Jisung's POV

I smiled dazedly back at him, getting myself lost in those sparkling eyes of his.

"Earth to Han Jisung." he waved his hand in front of my face.

"Huh?" I shook my head and noticed the nurse standing next to him.

When did she get here?

"You zoned out, I think the injury to your head might be more serious than we first thought." Minho said worriedly.

I zoned out because of you Minho, you oblivious boy. He had no idea the effect he was having on my whole body right now.

"Can you tell me what happened?" the nurse asked as she probed my head.

"I-I fell and banged my head on one of the desks."

It wasn't completely a lie, I just didn't mention the fact I'd been pushed.

Minho opened his mouth to speak but I raised my eyebrows at him to stop him from saying anything about Taeyong.

He sighed and closed his mouth, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"You can leave him here with me, I don't think he'll be returning to lessons after lunch." the nurse glanced up at Minho who was standing around awkwardly.

He looked at me and cleared his throat. "Will he be okay?"

She smiled. "Jisung is a regular here, no matter how badly bruised he is, he always recovers. He's never come in here with anyone else though, are you his friend?"

Minho coughed. "I'm a new student, joined today."

"Ah I see." she nodded.

"I'll leave, okay?" he said as if asking me for permission.

I nodded slowly, desperately wanting to ask him to stay but I couldn't do that to the new kid.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow or something."

He nodded and turned towards the door before turning back. "Oh yeah... about Taeyong and what he said earlier about meeting him after school-"

"It's cool Minho." I stopped him from continuing. "I'm used to it, you don't have to interfere."

He hesitated before walking out with his hands in his pockets. I hoped he wouldn't get bullied because of me, I would hate if Taeyong picked on him just because he stood up for me.

"Get some rest Jisung, you have a couple hours until school finishes so take a nap and rest your head." the nurse patted my leg before standing up and closing the divider curtains to give me privacy.

She was probably sick of seeing me here, she probably wondered why I was so clumsy and how I managed to bruise myself in strange places but I didn't have the guts to tell her what is going on.

I laid down and felt the room spin a bit before I closed my eyes and let sleep take over.

When I woke up I noticed a bottle of water plus a packet of crisps next to my pillow. A note laid beside them with 'In case you're hungry when you wake up - M' written on it, so I could only assume it was from Minho. He had nice handwriting.

I felt a smile come into my face and my heart swelled at the thought of someone caring for me.

I paused. Did he care for me? Or was he just stringing me along until he could laugh at me one day and say it was all a prank.

I also noticed my backpack on the floor next to the bed. He must have packed up my things and brought it here for me.

These small things made me overwhelmingly happy, and I tried to contain my giddiness as I inhaled the food due to how hungry I was.

It was already past school closing time so I hoped Taeyong wouldn't be waiting for me. I slung on my backpack and walked out the nurse's office towards the entrance.

My eyes nervously scanned the area, it didn't seem as if anyone was waiting for me. I was about to let out a sigh of relief when I saw a familiar pair of shoes sticking out from behind a wall.

I stopped, glancing back at the school building and wondering if I should just wait for him to leave or make a run for it.

I panicked when I saw him stick his head around the wall and noticed me standing there.

"Han! There you are." he smirked.

I was off running. I ran back towards the school building, hearing his footsteps behind me.

"You've got nowhere to run Han." he mocked.

He was right, after all he was one of the fastest runners in the year. I had no chance of outrunning him.

My backpack got grabbed and I was pulled backwards and slammed to the floor.

"Trying to escape Hannie?" he sat on my chest, forbidding me from getting up off the floor.

"Let me go Taeyong." I grit my teeth.

"But Han." he put on a fake sad expression. "You didn't bring my lunch on time today, why would I let you go?"

"It's just lunch." I spat. "Get over it."

I felt his fist connect with my nose before I'd even processed his hand whizzing towards my face.

"What was that?" he growled. "Did you just talk back to me?"

Thinking of Minho gave me enough courage to talk back to Taeyong, I had no idea why though.

"Yeah, it's about time I stood up to you and stopped you from spreading untrue rumours about me." I winced at the pain in my nose.

He punched me again, and then again until I was seeing stars and could feel the blood flowing out my nose. My cheekbone was aching from all the blows to my face and I was sure I'd have a massive bruise tomorrow.

"There, you look much prettier with red, black and blue colours all over your face." he sneered.

I swallowed thickly, my eyes half closed from the pain and choked up some saliva.

I didn't react when Taeyong was pulled off me suddenly, I could barely hear the shouts from the ringing in my ears. I squinted weakly at the figure that was throwing punches at my aggressor. 

I knew Taeyong had enemies in other classes but this was the first time he'd been stopped from attacking me. I was grateful for whoever it was.

"Get out of here." a familiar voice growled and I watched through blurry eyes as Taeyong's figure stumbled and ran out the building.

"Are you okay?" the soft voice asked while he peered down at me. 

I winced as he touched my injured face and I didn't bother to reply. I obviously was not okay from the injuries on my face but I was used to walking home with bruises all over my body. Today was going to be another one of those days.

The stranger picked me up suddenly bridal style despite my weak sound of protest.

"I'm taking you to my house to fix you up."

I held onto him tightly in fear of being dropped before wiping my eyes and looking up at him.


My First and Last ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now