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Jisung's POV

"No one takes away what's mine and gets away with it."

Those words were spinning around my head repeatedly. I didn't even realise Minho had been talking to me the entire time that we'd been walking to Chan's house.

"Jisung!" he poked my cheek in frustration.

"Huh? What?" I looked at him blankly.

Ugh he looks so attractive with those wide eyes staring at me waiting for me to say something... wait, did I zone out?

"Sorry Minnie I was distracted." I admitted. "What did you say?"

"I was just telling you how Chan got into a fight with Taeyong last week when you weren't there... I literally just told you all the juicy gossip and you weren't listening?!"

"Mine." I replied dreamily.

"Okay you've officially gone crazy." he sighed.

"Min, what are we?"

"I actually wanted to talk to you about that... but later, after we get back home from Chan's."

"I knew you'd rejec- what?" I finally came out from my daze and stared at him with my mouth open in shock. "You didn't just outright reject me?"

He put his mouth into a straight line and raised an eyebrow. "I don't know why you'd think I'd reject you, but I want to talk about it when we're alone together at home."

"O-okay..." I looked away quickly and put a hand up to my burning hot cheek.

I immediately lifted my head when the smell of delicious food came floating towards us.

My stomach growled loudly. "I'm starving."

"I can imagine." Minho led us to a house and rang the doorbell.

Almost immediately the door opened to reveal Chan. "Welcome guys."

"The smell coming off the barbie is making my mouth water." Minho complained.

Chan chuckled. "Help yourselves, everyone is seated outside."

We followed him outside and I sat next to Minho, opposite Jeongin.

"Jisung have you ever tried a barbecued lamb rib?" Changbin leaned around Minho to look at me.

"I don't think so..."

He pointed to a plate full of what I assumed was barbecued lamb ribs.

"They're amazing, you should try them." he grinned.

I nodded and reached for a lamb rib. As soon as it entered my mouth the taste exploded on my tongue and I stared wide eyed at the rib in my hands as I chewed.

"Wow~" I said through a mouthful. "That's... wow, amazing."

Minho chuckled and filled my plate up with an assortment of barbecued meat.

"Did Minho tell you the wonderful story of what happened between Taeyong and I?" Chan asked me from the head of the table.

I shook my head, smiling slyly as Minho slumped back in his seat.

"I did tell him but he wasn't listening." Minho objected.

"Who listens to you though Min?" Hyunjin chuckled earning a glare from Minho.

We all laughed and then turned our attention to Chan when we cleared his throat.

"So it all started on a Wednesday afternoon, I was casually strolling along minding my own business-"

"Will you get to the damn point?" Changbin groaned. "Skip the back story."

"Sorry, I got carried away." Chan smiled sheepishly. "I saw Taeyong in the corridor on Wednesday as I was on the way to the canteen so I stopped him to have a word about how he was treating you."

He looked at me and I nodded for him to continue.

"As soon as I mentioned your name he laughed and arrogantly leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. I really really wanted to punch his stupid face with that annoying smirk but I kept my cool as I was explaining how it wasn't very nice of him to bully you."

"Now the thing that made me lose my cool... is when he said, and I quote: 'I don't know or particularly care why you're asking me to stop bullying him but first of all nah I don't feel like leaving him alone and second of all I'm going to continue doing what I'm doing until he's dead.'"

Jeongin, who I guessed had not heard this story before, gasped dramatically. "That ass!"

"Indeed he is an ass I.N, and he got a good ass beating too." Chan grinned proudly. "I slammed my fist into his jaw, spit went flying and he looked like he was ready to kill me."

"Then Minho, who had been watching our interaction the entire time without announcing his presence the lil bugger, came up from behind Taeyong and grabbed his hair, making him screech loudly."

"We punched some sense into him, maybe raising his brain cell count to around 3 and then let him run away with his tail between his legs." Minho finished.

"Eyy you should have finished him off." Changbin slapped his hand to his head in frustration.

"I was saving him for you!" Chan threw his hands up in frustration. "Did you not tell me to keep Taeyong alive so you could swing a few punches?"

"Oh yeah..." Changbin smiled sheepishly and took a big bite of salad, mumbling incoherently.

Minho was right... he really does look harmless when he smiles.

"They're not serious about killing Taeyong are they?" I whispered to Minho worriedly.

Minho shook his head with a laugh. "Nah, but they all want to have a go at beating him up."

Hours passed and it was completely dark by the time Minho and I got back to his house.

I waited in his room while he took a shower and I shamelessly stared at him once he came back into the room with dripping wet hair and only a towel wrapped around his waist.

He shook his head slightly to move the wet hair out of his eyes and then looked at me.

"Now... let's talk about who you are to me and what our relationship is."

My First and Last ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now