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Jisung's POV

I felt something hit my cheek with a force which could only mean the object was thrown with intent, and not by accident.

I looked down to see the object was a heavily filled pencil case owned by no other than Lee Taeyong.

I picked it up and threw it back onto his desk.

He smirked at me, but with a little less confidence than usual. One of his eyes was black and blue while his lip had a minor cut from where Minho had hit him yesterday.

"Your loser friend isn't here to defend you now." Taeyong raised an eyebrow. "What are you going to do?"

"Nothing." I replied shortly.

He took out a pencil from his pencil case and continuously jabbed my arm.

I sighed at his childishness before grabbing the pencil and snapping it in half.

His eyes widened as his single brain cell processed what I'd done and reacted as if I'd just committed a murder.

"You'll regret that." he sneered and quickly turned back to face the front.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Minho smiling at me.

"Good morning, sleep well?"

I nodded shyly with an equally bright smile.

"Thanks for yesterday, and I found the note you left me." I held my notebook up and pointed to the scribble.

He laughed. "Oh yeah, I've brought my own pen today so you won't have to suffer with a pencil."

I nodded, feeling disappointed I couldn't give him my spare pen.

"Lee Minho come see me outside." Mr Park suddenly popped his head into the classroom and motioned for Minho to follow him.

I turned and shot him a confused look which he mirrored before slowly walking out the room.

"I doubt you'll see him ever again." Taeyong didn't bother turning to look at me but I could see the smirk plastered onto his face.

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's against school rules to beat up another student." he faked a distressed expression and held his hand to his heart dramatically. "I can't believe you'd make friends with such a violent person."

"You reported him?" I almost shouted in anger.

"Of course I did, he ruined my beautiful face."

"You ruined my face too!" now I was yelling and had the attention of the whole class.

"It was already ugly, no harm done."

I stood up angrily, my chair flipping over backwards and I didn't hesitate before slapping him harshly across the face.

An audible gasp was heard in the room but I ignored the stares. It was none of their business anyway.

"His violence is already rubbing off on you." Taeyong held onto his cheek as he looked up at me.

He glanced at the door briefly before smirking and leaning closer. "Hit me again, I dare you."

"As you wish." I slammed my fist into his nose, watching as blood spurted onto his desk and began to drip down to his mouth.

"Han Jisung!" I froze as I heard Mr Park's shocked shout behind me. "Come here at once!"

Taeyong smiled at me, looking a bit maniacal with blood on his teeth. "Bye bye." he waved.

I growled lowly and stomped to the door and followed the teacher to where Minho stood in the corridor.

"I heard reports that Minho was violent but I expected more of you Jisung." he sent me a disappointed look.

"Sir he-"

"I don't want to hear your excuses." he cut me off. "You're both suspended for the rest of the week." 

"What about my face huh?! Haven't you noticed me come into school almost everyday with fresh bruises and cuts?" I raised my voice.

"You haven't reported anything to me or to the principal, I can only help you if you speak up Jisung."

I balled my hands into fists in anger. "You wouldn't help me anyway, since Taeyong's family is one of the top donors to the school."

"Taeyong is a good kid, troubled but I don't believe he could do something so bad."

"Why don't you check the CCTV cameras in the school?" Minho asked.

Mr Park nodded. "I will make a request to see the CCTV footage but for now I can only take action from the proof right in front of my eyes. I watched you punch Lee Taeyong, that's enough proof isn't it?"

"He deserved it." I gritted my teeth.

"No one deserves to be physically assaulted."

"Yeah you're right." I nodded. "Unless it's in self defence or if they instigate the attack."

He ignored my statement. "Grab your bags and leave the school. I'll be contacting your families and hope you do some self reflection before you come back next week."

I was about to open my mouth to protest but Minho grabbed my hand. We made brief eye contact before he gave me a small nod and pulled me into the classroom to get our belongings. I could hear whispers about us holding hands but I avoided eye contact with everyone.

"Come on." Minho said softly and led me out of the classroom. "Let's have fun today okay? We can deal with the consequences later."

A smile lit up my face and I nodded eagerly. "Sure."

"I don't blame you for hitting him, he had it coming. I'm only surprised you didn't do it earlier."

I laughed. "I was too scared to hit him."

He nodded. "Understandable. Follow me Jisungie, I have something I want to show you."

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