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Jisung's POV

"He killed his father."

I slumped down.

The truth was out and now I was going to go back to being friendless.

Minho glanced at me and looked for confirmation. "Is this true?"

Tears threatened to spill out my eyes as I nodded.

"How?" he asked me.

I shook my head, not wanting to talk about it. I was reminded of it everyday of my life and had been delusionally happy for a few weeks. Now I had to come back down to reality.

"Let him go." Minho glared at Yuta.

"Did you not hear what Taeyong said? He killed-"

"I heard what he said." he snapped. "Now let him go."

Yuta let go of my wrists and kicked my stomach, making me reel over in pain.

I vaguely processed the sound of flesh hitting flesh followed by Yuta's groan.

"Piss off." Minho growled.

"You'll regret that." Taeyong and Yuta ran off, leaving Minho and I alone.


I looked up at Minho expecting to see a harsh, angry expression but instead his face was soft.

"I don't want to force you but can you tell me how your father died?"

"When I was a baby I was in the car with my parents, me being in the passenger seat in a baby car seat and my dad driving." I felt like I was entranced by his curious eyes as I spoke, making me spill the truth to him.

"I was crying, complaining and making a fuss. My parents were arguing, and my dad was trying to get me to stop crying while he was driving..." I started to breathe heavily as I relived the painful memory. "Our car hit another car and flipped over."

Tears were flowing freely now.

"My dad... my dad he died at the scene, my mother was injured but not too badly, and I survived with only a few scratches." I choked out. "My mother blames me for his death, if only I hadn't been so noisy... my dad would have been concentrating on the road and not focusing his attention on me. I killed him."

"Oh baby..." Minho crouched beside me.

I sobbed into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

He soothingly rubbed circles on my back. "Is this the rumour you didn't want me to hear about? Did you really think I'd leave you for that?"

"Y-yes..." my voice was muffled from the sobs.

"Silly Jisungie." he chuckled. "That's the most stupid thing I've ever heard in my entire life."

I looked up at him with blurry eyes. "Everyone else... they think I'm a murderer or that I don't deserve to live... Taeyong might have exaggerated the rumours but still... it's true that it was partly my fault."

His eyes were soft and full of love as he gazed down at me. "Well you know what? Everyone else is stupid. You're not even capable of hurting a fly. It's not your fault, it's your mother's fault for putting these false ideas in your head... you were only a baby for goodness sake!"

He wiped the tears from my eyes and kissed my forehead gently. "I'm here with you forever okay? You can't get rid of me that easily."

I choked out a laugh at his cheeky grin. "You're an angel."

I flinched when I heard shouting coming near us. Minho and I turned our heads to see Chan with Taeyong in a headlock.

"Way to go Chan!" Minho cheered.

"I told ya not to mess with my friends, did you think I was joking?"

Yuta was in a boxing match with Hyunjin and Jeongin, but mostly Hyunjin.

"Not so brave now that Jisung has people on his side now are you?" Hyunjin glared and sent a well-aimed kick at Yuta's knee.

"You're bullying!" Yuta whined out.

"You get what you give." Seungmin said. He was standing with his arms crossed and enjoying the fight from a distance.

I could see two more people approaching which appeared to be Changbin and someone I didn't recognise.

Yuta noticed them and immediately panicked. "Let's stop, okay? We're sorry and we won't go near Han ever again."

"Yuta what are you say-" Taeyong had gotten himself out of the headlock and was struggling with Chan.

He stopped talking when he saw the furious face of Changbin and backed away with his hands up in surrender.

"Yeah actually we'll leave him alone now." Taeyong ran off with Yuta on his heels.

Jeongin yelled a string of curses after them before turning back to us. He turned bright red when he noticed our shocked faces.

"What?" he scratched his neck nervously.

"Did our Jeongin just swear?" Chan choked out.

"Our baby is growing up." Felix wiped away a tear.

"Are you okay? You're not injured are you?" Minho turned his attention back to me.

"I'm fine, I always forget about my pain when you're around. You're like my natural painkiller."

"I want to puke at how cheesy that was Jisungie and I would have already if anyone else said that but because it's you..." he trailed off and kissed me gently. "I love you."

"You l-love me?" I choked out in shock.

He nodded. "I won't make you say it back until you're ready but... I want you to know I love you."

"What do you love about me?"

He looked me in the eye.

"I love how you blush when I steal a quick kiss in public or when I stare at you lovingly, I love how your cheeks get filled up with food when you're eating which makes you look like a squirrel, I love how you selflessly help people even when it puts you at a disadvantage... yes I'm talking about when you gave me your pen."

I bit my lip in embarrassment before feeling my heart flip as he leaned in closer.

"But most importantly... I love how you're mine."

My First and Last ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now