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Jisung's POV

I didn't have time to announce my presence when I walked through the front door to my house before I was slapped across the face.

"You useless, poor excuse for a human being." my mother sneered. "I received a call today from school saying you were suspended. Why didn't you come home straight away?"

I stayed silent, holding onto my face and letting the tears flow down my cheeks.

"Answer me!" she slapped me again.

This time I fell to the floor with a cry and looked up at her desperately.

"Mum please-"

She kicked me.

"It hurts-"

She crouched down beside my hunched body and grabbed my hair. She forced me to stand and dragged me up the stairs to my room where she roughly shoved me onto the floor.

"Don't even think about leaving the house until next Monday. I forbid you from going out to buy food, or visiting your friends- oh wait, you don't have any friends." she laughed and slammed the door.

I curled up into a ball and sobbed. I didn't want to live in this house any more. I wanted to stay with Minnie and live happily ever after. Of course I knew this was impossible which made me feel so alone and empty.

I wanted to yell at my mother for treating me this way, but at the same time I couldn't. She was suffering from the loss of my father, which was all my fault...

If I didn't exist then my father would still be alive, maybe my parents would be laughing and drinking wine together, kissing under the moonlight and not having a care in the world.

I ruined everything.

I'm a terrible person and don't deserve to have Minho as my friend. He doesn't know what I did and he would hate me too if he found out.

I sat up and pulled my phone out my pocket. I contemplated deleting his contact from my phone, that way I wouldn't be tempted to text him and ask him to get me out of here.

I didn't want to disturb him, he had his own life, his own friends... I'm only a burden.

Instead of deleting his contact I threw my phone across the room where it coincidentally landed in the bin.

Well, I won't be needing it anyway. 

"So you promise Jisungie?"

"I promise Minnie."

I'm sorry I can't keep my promise Minnie, I'm such a bad friend.

I weakly pulled myself up onto my bed and started crying all over again. My eyes were aching and I knew I would have a headache afterwards but I couldn't seem to stop.

I ended up falling asleep and having nightmares filled with my mother and Taeyong beating me.

Wednesday was fairly uneventful - I spent most of my time lying in bed and staring at the ceiling. 

On Thursday I woke up at midday and decided to finish off any homework I had to do so I would be prepared for when I go back to school.

I jumped in my seat slightly when my mother came barging into the room with no warning.

She scoffed. "I don't know why you bother to study, you'll fail anyway."

I stared at her. "I'm just doing my homework so-"

"Whatever, you'll need to get a part-time job. You won't be going to college since you're too dumb so you might as well start working now."


"You heard me Han. On Monday after school you will go around asking local restaurants if they have a job available, understand?"



She grabbed me by my collar and pushed me off my chair onto the floor, my papers scattering around me.

"Yes I-I understand!" I whimpered.

She threw me one last scathing glance before storming out the room.

I hugged my knees to my chest and felt the need to cry rise up again. I was sick of crying though so instead I punched the wall and then held onto my fist which was throbbing from the impact.

"I hate you." I whispered quietly, glaring daggers at the closed door. "I wish you'd just die."

I stayed on the floor for a few more minutes before making up my mind to run away.

I threw some snacks into my backpack before grabbing my phone out the bin and then opening the window. The drop was a few metres but I would much rather injure myself from the fall than stay in this house.

I jumped out the window, wincing at the impact of my feet on the concrete. I straightened myself out and began running in the direction of the woods. I didn't care if Minho was there or not, I just wanted to be somewhere I could be away from the real world for a while.

By the time I reached the clearing I was sweating and out of breath. I didn't bother to take in the beauty of the clearing in the night time but instead made my way to the tree that held the tree house.

I huffed as I climbed up the tree and threw myself through the opening. 


I squinted through the fading light to see Minho curled up in the corner covered in blankets.

"Minnie." I crawled over to him and laid beside him.

"I was so worried, you didn't text or call me. Are you okay?" he placed the blanket over me and huddled closer.

"I-I-" I burst into tears. "I'm not okay."

He held me and let me cry into his chest for what seemed like hours. He didn't complain though and soothingly stroked my back.

Eventually I calmed down and put my arms around him. "I wasn't allowed to leave the house, but I was so sick of everything so I ran away."

"You ran straight here?" he questioned.

"Yeah." I said quietly.

"At least you're here now." he played with my hair. "I'm not letting you go."

"I don't want you to let me go." I mumbled.

He sat up and fumbled around for a bit before shoving his phone in my hands.

"Put your number in my phone." he ordered sternly. "I feel sad you didn't think you could text me and tell me you were having a hard time. Now I will make sure to text you everyday so I know you're safe."

I sighed and squinted into the bright light of the phone screen before tapping my number into his phone.

"Here." I handed it back to him.

A few seconds later I heard my phone ring and pulled it out to see Minho's contact flashing on my screen.

"Just making sure you didn't give me a fake number." he grinned.

I huffed and pulled him back down to cuddle.

"Do you want to stay at my house tonight?" he asked.

"If you don't mind." I looked at him with wide eyes. "Won't your mum mind?"

"I can sneak you in." he grinned like a boy who was planning to sneak out with his friends during the night. "It'll be fine."

My First and Last ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now