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Jisung's POV

Saturday came by quickly and it was drawing closer to the time Minho's friends would arrive.

The sound of the doorbell ringing made my anxieties rush back all at once. I looked at Minho who looked back at me with a grin on his face.

"They're here." he said softly with excitement laced in his voice.

I nodded and took a deep breath. Fake it till you make it right? I wasn't going to let them know how nervous I was.

"Minho! Felix and Chan are here! I'm sending them up!" his mother yelled up the stairs.

Minho squeezed my hand before getting off the bed and opening the door.

"YOU KNOW! I KNOW! LEE KNOW!" they both yelled at the same time and engulfed Minho in a hug.

"Hey guys." Minho laughed. "Come in."

"Who's this?" Felix came over to me. "He's cute, your boyfriend?"

I blushed profusely and ducked my head. "I'm Jisung."

"Nice to meet ya Jisung." Chan said. "I'm Chan, the goof over there is Felix."

I nodded and bit my lip.

"What's new guys?" Minho resumed his position next to me on the bed.

"Eh not much, just trying to get through school." Felix sat at the foot of the bed while Chan sat at Minho's desk.

"I heard from Jisung that you're pretty popular." Minho raised an eyebrow.

"You go to our school? How come I've never seen you before?" Felix asked in his deep voice.

"I'm not in your class, my home room teacher is Mr Park."

"Oh the class with Taeyong and Yuta? Damn I feel sorry for you bro."

That piqued my interest. "You know about Taeyong?"

Chan scoffed. "Of course! Who doesn't? That bugger is all cocky thanks to his parent's influence. I've been wanting to land my fist in his face ever since I found out he existed."

"I've only been into school one day and I want to murder him already." Minho agreed.

"We could join forces and take him down." I said half-jokingly.

"Sounds good mate, if he ever gives ya trouble don't hesitate to let me know aight?" Felix winked. "Chan and I will come to your rescue."

"Will do." I already felt comfortable around these two, I had no idea why I felt nervous before. I should have known Minho wouldn't make friends with nasty people.

"Actually he's already given Jisung trouble." Minho piped up. "Taeyong has been bullying him over some rumour that I don't know about."

I froze, afraid that they'd heard the rumour too.

"Nah that's not cool, on Monday I'll have a word with him and if he don't back down I'll make sure he gets a beating he won't forget." Chan nodded.

"Don't ya worry Jisung, we got your back." Felix slapped my back in a friendly manner.

"Thank you and I, er-" I coughed. "I like your accent."

"Cheers mate."

"Boys! Dinner!"

Dinner with Felix's, Chan's and Minho's families was the best dinner I'd ever experienced in my entire life. There wasn't even a second of awkward silence and Chan cracked the funniest jokes that even made me choke on my food a few times.

My First and Last ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now