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Jisung's POV

"Quick quick." Minho ushered me inside his house. "Stay quiet."

"Minho is that you?" a lady's voice called.

"Yeah mum." Minho answered and then pushed me towards the stairs.

I bounded up the stairs two at a time as quickly as I could and waited at the top for Minho. I could hear him and his mother talking but I wasn't sure exactly what they were talking about.

A minute later Minho ran up the stairs holding an assortment of snacks.

"Is your mum not mad about you being suspended?" I asked curiously as we entered his room.

"She was at first but then I explained why I did what I did. I hope everything will be sorted when Mr Park looks at the CCTV footage." he gestured for me to sit on the bed.

I nodded and sat down, not bothering to tell him there's no way the school would side with us when Taeyong's parents held all the power due to the money they had.

"Nice room." I commented. It was simple with only a desk, a double bed, a few toys and a wardrobe, but it looked homely. 

"Thanks, I guess." he laughed through his nose and then pointed to the snacks he had laid on his desk. "Hungry?"

I nodded eagerly and stood beside him. "I brought some snacks too if you wanna share them?"

"You keep them." he said while picking out a packet of gummy bears. "You're my guest so you can eat whatever is in my house."

I picked up a tube of Pringles and sat back on the bed next to him. I moaned when the flavour exploded on my tongue, it had been so long since I'd eaten my favourite type of crisps.

Minho stared at me with a gummy bear halfway to his mouth.

"What?" I mumbled through a large mouthful that had filled my cheeks up.

"You moaned... er never mind." he tipped up the bag and let the bears fall into his mouth.

"What are you thinking?" I rolled my eyes.

I placed the half empty tube on the floor and leaned back on my hands.

He held a gummy in front of my face and waved it about. I leaned forward to take it between my teeth but he moved it further away every time I got closer.

"Hey!" I whined and grabbed his wrist to that I could hold him still and eat the gummy.

"You looked so desperate for the sweet." he laughed and then fixed his eyes on my hand which was still holding onto him. "What happened to your hand?"

I glanced at it and freed his wrist. "Oh, I punched a wall..."

He stood up. "Wait here, I'll wrap it up for you."

"You don't have t-" he ignored my protest and walked out the room.

I took this as my chance to look at the photo frames on his desk. One of them was most likely of him and his parents and the other was of three boys, probably Minho, Felix and Chan.

"Cute." I muttered as I traced my finger over the younger version of Minho.

"Sit." Minho's voice startled me. He had silently re-entered the room and sat on the bed.

I sat next to him and let him bandage my hand up.

"Why does it seem as if every time I'm here you're fixing me up?"

"Because I am." he pursed his lips. "You should be more careful instead of unnecessarily injuring yourself by punching a wall."

"I was mad."

"You could have yelled into your pillow or punched your bed." he raised an eyebrow.

"It's not as satisfying." I pouted.

He finished wrapping my hand and placed a quick kiss on it before letting me go.

I blushed. "Do you always kiss your friend's hands or something?"

"No." he put the remaining bandages on his desk.

"Oh." I didn't push him further since I wasn't sure how friends act around each other.

"Want to watch a movie on my phone?"


He took a bunch of pillows from the head of the bed and put them at the bottom before getting a blanket out from his wardrobe. He laid down and placed his phone on the pillows.

"Lay down." he commanded and patted the spot next to him.

I laid next to him and placed my head on my hand so that I could see the screen.

"I'm going to choose..." he trailed off and stared at me while he was deep in thought. "A horror movie."

"Isn't that such a cliché thing to watch at a sleepover? Eh whatever though, I never get scared."

Those words backfired on me throughout the entire movie. Minho had chosen to watch The Conjuring 2 and I didn't realise how terrifying it was. I spent most of the time latched onto Minho's arm while screaming into the pillow so his mother wouldn't hear me.

"You never get scared huh?" he smirked once the movie ended. I was partly hidden behind his shoulder and refused to let go of him.

"You're actually evil!" I whisper-yelled at him. "That movie was most definitely one of the scariest I've ever watched."

He attempted to move but I pinned him down by his arm. 

"Don't leave me." I whined. "I'm scared."

He scoffed. "Can we move to the top of the bed first at least before you prevent me from moving?"

I lightened my grip just enough for him to drag me to the top of the bed and then pull the duvet over us. He laid on his back while I laid on my side and put one leg over his.

"You're heavy Jisungie." he whined and struggled underneath me.

That only made me grin evilly and put half my torso on top of his and my head on his shoulder.

"You're comfy though." I sighed in satisfaction and wrapped my arm around his waist.

"You're so clingy like a koala." he groaned. "Kinda cute though."

I lifted my head to look at his face. "I'm cute?"

He cleared his throat and avoided eye contact. "I meant annoying."

"How did you accidentally say cute instead of annoying?" I placed my head back down.

"It happens, shut up and go to sleep."

"Whatever you say Minnie." I closed my eyes with a smile. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight cutie."

My First and Last ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now