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Jisung's POV

I walked to my house which was only a ten minute walk away. Minho had offered to walk me home but I refused, I didn't want my mother seeing me walk with anyone.

"I'm home." I said quietly, not wanting to alert her to my presence but she'd told me to tell her when I arrived home everyday.

"You're late." I was about to walk up the stairs when she appeared behind me.

I sighed and turned around. "I-I had something to do."

"Did that have something have anything to do with your face?"

I touched my hand to my face, feeling the plasters. "Yeah..."

She grabbed my chin and pulled my head up roughly to examine the bruises.

"Whoever did this did a real good job." she smirked. "Nice."

"Mum..." I felt the tears threatening to spill at her usual nasty words. "Why do you hate me?"

Her face became cold. "You know why I hate you Han."

"But it wasn't my fault..."

She slapped me hard across the face, hitting the sensitive area that Taeyong had punched earlier.

I whimpered and held onto my face, feeling the happiness from earlier wear off.

"It was your fault you stupid child." she sneered. "You look so pathetic right now, go to your room and be quiet so I can pretend you don't exist."

I scrambled up the stairs, tripping near the top and slamming my shin into one of the steps.

I cursed and held onto my leg as I limped to my room and closed the door quietly. I sat down on my bed and lifted my trouser leg up to examine the bruise that was already forming.

"Oww..." I groaned at even the slightest touch.

I slumped backwards so that my legs were hanging off the bed and the upper half of my body was lying down.

I closed my eyes and thought back to Minho gently applying the cream to my face. His touch had been so gentle, as if he was scared of hurting me. He looked especially attractive when he was concentrating while putting the plasters on my face.

No Jisung you can't fall for him. I sat up quickly and shook my head to get rid of the thoughts. He's my friend and I can't risk losing him just because I have a stupid crush on him.

Why did I have a crush on him in the first place? Sure he was attractive but I barely knew him.

I thought about how he'd stood up to Taeyong and taken me to the nurse's office. Damn he had a nice personality too, from what I'd seen so far.

"Don't crush on him Jisung." I said out loud this time and clutched at my hair. "He's just a friend, just a friend... yep just a friend."

I grabbed my backpack which I had thrown onto the floor and unzipped it to pull out my notebook. Now I had to copy up my notes.

I noticed the pen I'd given Minho attached to the side of the notebook. He must have put it in my bag before bringing it to the nurse's office.

I opened it up to the page I needed to copy and noticed a scribble at the bottom of the page. Squinting closer I read 'You could have told me this was your only pen, but I'm grateful you let me borrow it otherwise I wouldn't have found out your name and gotten to talk to you - M'.

This guy... he was making my stomach do flips and cartwheels.

I opened my drawer and sifted through my extra pens. I picked one out and laid it on my desk.

"Now if Minnie asks me for a pen I will be prepared." I grinned to myself.

I wrote up my notes and started on my homework, suddenly not feeling so worried about going to school tomorrow.

Once I'd finished I took some snacks out which I kept at the bottom of my wardrobe to hide from my mother. She never cooked dinner for me so I had to sneak snacks inside the house and eat them in secret.

Then I packed my bag, washed up and slid inside my bed with a smile on my face. I wanted to fall asleep as quickly as possible so that tomorrow would come quicker.

I couldn't wait to spend the whole day tomorrow with Minho.

My First and Last ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now