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Jisung's POV

He carried me all the way to his house, which actually wasn't far from mine. He laid me down carefully onto the couch and went to fetch the medicine box.

I stared up at the ceiling, feeling like I was in a dream. Hours ago I was staring at the new boy standing at the front of the classroom and now I was lying on his couch. I didn't want this dream to end.

"You're spaced out again." he commented, making me jump slightly.

He laughed softly at my shocked expression which was because he'd suddenly appeared next to me.

He patted a wet towel onto my face while I stared at his face silently. Once he'd finished cleaning my wounds he pulled out a tube of antiseptic cream.

"Just because you're used to it doesn't mean it's okay." he said gently, his hands moving quickly and applying cream onto my cuts.

He was referring to what I'd said in the nurse's office.

I sighed and closed my eyes, feeling tired all over again. "Why are you helping me?"

"Why wouldn't I? You were being punched in the face by Taeyong, I couldn't just leave you there."

I opened my eyes again. "Anyone else would have watched and laughed, you're the only person who has actually stood up to him for me."

He continued to gently spread the cream onto my cuts before applying a cream for bruises.

"I'm not the type of person to sit back and watch anyone get bullied." he eventually said, making eye contact for a brief moment before reaching into the medicine box and pulling out plasters.

How much more wrong could I have been? I felt guilty for even assuming he was one of those people who'd punch and laugh at me.

"A lot of people assume I'm some cold guy who doesn't care about others, but I'm not." he said. 

"Sorry." I whispered as he placed a plaster onto my cheek.

"What for?"

"For assuming the same as the other people."

"It's not your fault." he shrugged. "I find it difficult to express emotions unless I really know someone."

"M-me too... actually... I wouldn't know because I've never had a friend."


I nodded and sat up as he applied the final plaster.

"Why not?"

"I'd rather not talk about it..." I clasped my hands together on my lap, letting my fringe flop over my eyes and hide the vulnerability in them.

"Hey." he said softly, using a hand to lift my head up. "It's okay, you don't have to tell me. We're strangers after all, but..."

"But?" I prompted him.

"I would like to get to know you better."

The butterflies erupted in my chest again and nervous laughter escaped my mouth without my permission.

"You're joking right?"

I was very aware I was pushing him away but I didn't want to get too comfortable.

"I'm not joking." he looked hurt. "I want to be your friend."

"I don't think you know what it means to be my friend..."

He raised an eyebrow. "What? If I become your friend you're scared I won't be able to stand up to the bullies?"

How did he know what I was thinking so perfectly?

"Yeah." I said softly, pushing his hand away which was still holding onto my face.

Instead of backing away he placed both hands on my cheeks and forced me to look him straight in the eyes.

"I may not know much about you, or this school, or about the people who believe the rumours but I'm willing to get to know you for you. I won't believe anything anyone else says about you unless you confirm it with me. I won't force you to tell me anything until you're ready."

I kept my mouth closed. I was too scared I'd burst into tears if I tried to speak.

"And I can stand up for myself." he smirked. "I can deal with people bullying me but I won't let them lay a finger on you ever again."

His voice was so soothing, comforting and made a warm feeling rise inside me. Was what he was saying true? Did I not have to deal with bullying ever again?

"What do you say?" he brought me out of my thoughts.

"Okay." I smiled and then bit my lip to stop myself from smiling too wide.

He grinned. "I can't wait to get to know you Han."

I froze. "Please don't call me that."


"I hate being called Han... Taeyong always calls me that, he never calls me Jisung. So whenever I hear the name Han I get flashbacks of what he's said and done to me."

"Oh, sorry Jisung. I'll make sure you only have good memories associated with that name." he moved from his spot on the floor to sit beside me on the couch.

I nodded. "Actually..."

He looked at me questioningly. 

"Maybe if you call me Han I won't have bad memories associated with the name any more?" I pondered. "I could get used to hearing you call me Han and I won't feel so bad."

"That's a clever idea, I can do that."

"You can choose though, if you want to call me Han or Jisung it's up to you."

"Can I call you Jisungie too if I want to?" he grinned cheekily. "Or Hannie."

I laughed for real this time, not bothering to hide my giddiness. "Yeah, sounds good."

"Then what are you going to call me?"

I tapped my chin while I thought about a nickname for him.

"Minnie?" I asked him cautiously.

He nodded and bounced on the spot in excitement. "I love it."

I smiled shyly as I went back into my thoughts.

He was my first friend.

The first person to show me kindness.

The one that strangely made me feel slightly hopeful about the future.

Lee Minho.

My First and Last ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now