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Jisung's POV

"Let me stop you right there." I prevented him from opening his mouth again to speak. "First of all put on some damn pants because you're distracting me and secondly l want to talk to you about something else first."

Minho pouted but did as I asked and then sat beside me.

"When I was trapped in my house..." I began and took his hands in mine. "I regretted not telling you how grateful I was that you took my side over Taeyong's. Despite me looking all pathetic, you wanted to become my friend... and I'm really happy you did that. So... thank you."

"I saw something in you." he spoke quickly before I could continue. "From the moment our eyes met while I was standing at the front of the classroom, in my head I was screaming at how flustered you became. Everyone else held my gaze but you were different, and your shyness intrigued me."

"So you wanted to become my friend because I was shy?"

"No." he flicked my forehead. "Because I knew you were a kind person and I wanted to show that you didn't need to be afraid of me."

I hummed in response and watched as a water droplet trickled from his hair to his chin.

"And you didn't look pathetic." he said softly, making me move my eyes back to his. "Taeyong looked pathetic for putting you down, everyone watching looked pathetic for not saying something... you just let them take advantage of your kind heart. The way you were treated doesn't say anything about you or decrease your worth in any way, it speaks volumes for the others though."

His words made something flare up inside me. For the longest time I thought I deserved to be treated badly because I was worthless, but here Minho was telling me the opposite. I deserved to be treated like a human being.

He pulled me into a hug. "You think so little of yourself baby, I'm here to make sure you love and respect yourself."

"Baby?" I was floating on cloud nine from the nickname as it was the first time someone had ever said that to me.

"That's right." he whispered. "Will you officially be my boyfriend Jisungie?"

I wanted to scream and cry from happiness, I wanted to jump around the room from the rush his words gave me but instead I smiled at him with tear filled eyes. 

"Yes I'll be your boyfriend."

His face immediately broke out into a grin and he pushed me down so that I was lying with my back against the bed. He stared into my eyes for a few seconds, brushed his lips teasingly over mine and then kissed me passionately. 


That was the word I could use to describe this moment. I was convinced I was invincible with his lips moving against mine, I was sure we could overcome everything together.

He moved to my neck where he sucked on every spot that his lips could reach. I moaned weakly underneath him, letting him put his mark onto me because finally I was officially his and he was officially mine.

The following week at school we stuck to each other like glue. This was our first whole week together at school which was pretty exciting for me. With Minho by my side I felt confident in standing up to Taeyong.

It was Friday midday when I told him to go onto the school field without me, as I would buy food from the canteen and bring it to him. He hesitantly agreed and I walked off with a smile on my face, planning to buy all his favourite foods.

With my arms full of snacks I made my way to our meeting spot but shortly before I reached it I saw Taeyong and Yuta standing with their arms crossed, blocking my path.

I cursed quietly and looked around for an escape route. Before I could comprehend what was happening, they had pounced on me and pinned me to the ground.

All the snacks scattered around us and I laid helplessly as Taeyong shoved his hand in my pocket.

He pulled out my phone and smirked.

"Nice lock screen loser, such a shame Minho isn't here to save you now isn't it?"

"Piss off Taeyong, didn't you learn your lesson when Chan and Minho beat your ass?" I spat at him.

He turned red from anger and lifted his fist to punch my face but before he could cause any harm he was thrown off me. 

Minho stood panting with a furious expression. 

"I thought I told you not to touch him." he growled at Taeyong.

Taeyong stood up and landed a punch on Minho's jaw. Minho stumbled back a few steps before he launched himself forward and slammed his fist into Taeyong's nose.

"Since you're still defending Han, I'm sure he hasn't told you about what he did yet has he?"

Blood dripped down from Taeyong's nose but he seemed determined. 

"I told you I don't want to hear it." Minho said.

Taeyong smirked and the words that left his lips next made bile rise to my throat and I let out a strangled cry.

He'd just revealed the one thing I didn't want Minho to know.

My First and Last ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now