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Jisung's POV

I woke up in a cold sweat and breathing heavily.

"What's wrong?" Minho asked sleepily and rubbed his eyes.

"That stupid movie gave me nightmares." I complained.

He shifted so that I was lying on my back and he was leaning over me.

"Will this help?" he whispered before gently placing kisses all over my face.

I felt my stomach erupt with butterflies and held my breath until I couldn't take it any more.

"Min-Minnie stop." I stuttered and pushed him away weakly.

"Why?" he asked softly.

In the dim morning light I could see his hurt expression as he gazed down at me.

"You're making me feel... things." I blushed.

"You make me feel things too." he whispered back.

I stared up at him, feeling my heartbeat increase with every second.

His gaze flickered to my lips before moving back to my eyes.

"May I?" he searched my eyes for any signs of hesitation.

I nodded and squeezed my eyes tightly shut. I felt him move slightly and barely had time to process the sensation of his breath gently hitting my mouth before his lips touched mine.

His lips felt so soft, just like I'd imagined them. They tasted faintly of fruity lip balm and were moving slowly with my inexperienced lips. I felt as if I'd been to heaven and back with the bliss spreading from my lips to the tips of my fingers and all the way through my body.

I opened my eyes briefly to see his eyelids closed so I quickly shut my eyes once again to ensure I wouldn't be caught with my eyes open.

He didn't try to force his tongue into my mouth, instead he remained gentle until the moment he pulled away with an audible gasp. Our eyes locked as we panted slightly and fought to catch our breath.

"How was it?" he asked shyly.

I let out a nervous laugh. "Good enough for me to want to do it again?"

Without warning he swooped back down and joined our lips together once again. This time was rougher and more passionate, as if we were fighting for dominance with our mouths. One of his hands found its way into my hair and played with it lightly.

"Jisung." he said breathlessly as he pulled away.

"Yeah?" I said equally as breathless.

"You're not just letting me kiss you because you're scared to lose me as your friend if you refuse are you?"

"What? No!" I denied in a shocked tone. "I-I want to kiss you."

"Really?" his smile returned. "I was wondering if it was only me with these thoughts."

He laid on his back so we were laying side by side staring at the ceiling.

"Do you think you can sleep now?"


"You woke up from a nightmare remember?" he chuckled.

"Oh yeah, I forgot." I admitted sheepishly. "You distracted me."

"That was my goal." he pecked my cheek. "Turn around, I'll hug you from the back."

I turned my back to him and felt him place his arms around me and nestle his head into my neck.

"Sweet dreams." he hummed.

Next thing I knew it was morning and Minho's alarm was blaring loudly.

"Minnie." I groaned. "Your alarm."

Minho leaned backwards to whack his alarm and then resumed his position.

There was a knock on the door. "Minho! Breakfast!"

"Okay mum!" he yelled back and pushed me so that I rolled onto the floor.

I stayed silent until I saw his head appear over the side of the bed.

"Sorry." he said sheepishly. "I panicked and thought she was going to walk in."

I sat up and put on a mock angry face before crossing my arms. "My body hurts from hitting the floor!"

"Aww does poor Jisungie's body hurt?" he lifted me back onto the bed. "Let me help you with that."

He startled tickling me and I let out a shriek before slapping one hand to my mouth and using the other hand to attempt to try to stop him from tickling me.

"St-stop Minho! I c-can't breathe!" I laughed and kicked my legs wildly.

He stopped tickling and grinned down at me. "We need to figure out a way to get you out the house without my mum noticing."

"How about you go eat breakfast and I'll come up with a plan?" I booped his nose with my finger.

"Aight I'll bring you some food too, don't make too much noise!" he climbed off the bed and shot me a wink before walking out and closing the door quietly. 

I laid back with my hands behind my head and looked up at the ceiling. Just like the last time I came to Minho's house I felt like I was in a dream once again.

Then I sat up suddenly, making myself dizzy for a few seconds.

"Last night..." I slowly touched my lips with my fingers. "Did we... kiss?"

I chuckled softly and closed my eyes, trying to remember the feeling of his lips against mine.

Suddenly I heard shouting and the door handle turned. I quickly rolled back onto the floor and hid myself next to the bed.

"Mum! I'll bring it to you!" I heard Minho shout and the sound of running feet on stairs.

"Could you also pack the breakfast up? I want to eat it outside." I heard his feet inside the room, the sound of him picking something up and then moving towards the door.

"Sure." I couldn't see his mother's face but I'm pretty sure she had on a confused expression.

The door closed and I peeked up to see him holding a hand to his heart and breathing heavily.

"Holy crap I thought she was going to find you." he groaned.

"What happened?" I raised an eyebrow and massaged my shoulder that had hit the floor.

"She was going to collect my laundry and I didn't know if you were hiding or in plain sight..."

I giggled. "This is kinda fun."

"It's not fun, she'll kill me if she finds out you stayed here without me asking her." he rolled his eyes and flopped belly first onto the bed. He shuffled forward with his arms until his face was right in front of mine.

"Your morning face is cute." he said and then placed his lips on mine.

So we did kiss last night, I hadn't imagined or dreamed it. I smiled into the kiss which made him pull away and give me a questioning look.

"I'm just happy." I answered his unspoken question. "About you, about us, life feels so good right now."

"Me too Hannie, me too."

My First and Last ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now