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Jisung's POV

A lock on the window. That's the thing that had changed in my room. My mother had put a lock on my bedroom window.

The door slammed behind me, making me jump out of my skin before running over and attempting to open it.

It was locked. She'd also put a lock on my door. How did I not notice when I came earlier?

"It was too easy to fool you." I could almost see her smirk through the door. "Even your teacher was a complete idiot, all I had to do was turn on the waterworks and spill a few lies and he believed me. Now that you're back here you have no chance of escaping."

I shook the door handle. "Open the door!"

"You're never leaving your room again. You disobeyed me and now you'll waste away until you die."

"Mum please let me out!" I begged, feeling desperation rise up. "I'll go get a part time job, I won't run away again, just please let me out!"

"I won't believe another word that comes out your filthy mouth Han. Your life is meaningless anyway, once I've got rid of you I can finally live in peace."

I stopped trying to open the door and instead backed away from the door and sat on my bed.

"My phone." I suddenly remembered I could ring Minho. "Where's my bag... oh."

I had left my bag in the living room since I thought I was going to be making food for my mother.

"I'm so stupid." I dug my nails into my palms and grit my teeth together. "Why did I think I could trust her?"

The one time I thought I had a chance of a happy life with my mother, it turned out to be a lie. How could life be so cruel?

I thought of Minho who was in school right now, probably wondering where I was. Would he come looking for me? Surely he'd notice if I don't turn up at school or don't try and contact him.

I was desperate enough to try anything right now, which is why I was willing to attempt telepathic communication. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine myself standing next to Minho in class.

"Minho." I whispered with the image of me standing next to him and whispering in his ear still in my mind. "If you can hear me I want you to know that I'm locked in my room and can't escape. I don't have my phone with me so you won't receive any calls or texts from me. Please come rescue me."

I opened my eyes, the image vanishing as I was brought back to reality.

"Wow I'm pathetic." I laughed bitterly. 

I stared blankly at the window for a good minute before going over to examine the lock. A key was needed to open it, and it looked too strong for me to break it.

Desperate times call for desperate measures though right?

I picked up my desk chair and aimed for the window glass. Instead of breaking the glass, the chair bounced right off and hit my mouth.

I dropped the chair onto my foot and cursed. I hopped around before falling onto the floor and covering my mouth with my hand. My lip was throbbing and I could taste blood on my tongue.

I screamed in frustration, tears from the pain building up in my eyes.

"Why now?" I whimpered. "I just made a friend and then everything went south."

Is this the universe's way of telling me I don't deserve to live? I don't deserve to have friends and be happy?

I heard the doorbell ring and immediately shot up off the floor.

Was it Minho?

I pressed my ear against the door and tried to hear voices.

It didn't sound like Minho but either way I was going to try and get their attention.

"HELP!" I yelled as loud as I could and banged continuously on the door. "HELP ME!"

I was silent for a few seconds before I continued yelling.

The door opened, causing me to fall backwards. I stared upwards in fear as my mother's red, angry face glared down at me.

"Shut the hell up!" she yelled and grabbed my throat. "Don't ever do that again, understand?!"

I clawed at her hand which was around my throat and I spat in her face. Droplets of blood from my burst lip hit her skin.

She tightened her grip and she yelled nonsense in my ear. My eyes rolled back from the lack of oxygen, I had no more energy to fight.

She suddenly let go, making me draw in deep, raspy breaths. I held a hand to my throat and focused my vision on a spot on the floor in an attempt to calm myself.

"Pathetic." she drawled. 

"I-" my dry throat prevented me from speaking clearly.

I coughed up some saliva and cleared my throat. "I know you are."

Her eyes widened. "What?"

"You're pathetic." I spat at her. "I don't see what dad ever saw in you."

She slapped me.

"I loved your father very much." she hissed. "I would never treat someone I love this way. I hate you, you're a complete waste of space."

"I hate you too." I cried out, my heart was in so much pain.

"At least we're on the same page." she stood and walked back to the door.

I attempted to crawl to the door before she could close it but I could hardly move. She'd slammed and locked it by the time I'd moved half a metre. 

Fear, pain, helplessness consumed by body as I sobbed loudly. I curled my legs up to my chest and hugged them to my body while the tears continued to flow.

I was half hoping Minho would come bursting through the door, pull me into his chest and tell me everything was going to be okay. Hours passed and still no sign of Minho, the light faded along with my dwindling hope.

I grew stiff sitting on the floor in the same position so I shuffled on my knees towards my bed and pulled myself up.

I shoved my head into my pillow and blacked out. I was completely exhausted.

My First and Last ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now