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Jisung's POV

We kept walking until we reached the edge of the woods which was situated near our houses.

"You're not bringing me here to murder me are you?" I asked half jokingly.

He laughed. "I'm offended you'd even think like that, I'm not Taeyong you know. There's a place I want to show you that I found when I was younger."

We walked hand in hand through the trees and over piles of twigs and leaves.

"You were here when you were younger?" I asked.

"I was brought up here and then I moved to Seoul for a few years due to my step-father's job. Recently my parents had a fight and my mother and I moved back here."

I stayed silent while I listened to what he had to say. I squeezed his hand comfortingly to let him know he wasn't alone.

"I've never really explored this area." I told him. "I spend most of my time indoors or in the local parks."

He stopped suddenly and looked at me. "Close your eyes."

I raised an eyebrow before doing what I was told.

"Don't peek!"

"I won't." I blindly walked where his hand led me until he told me to lie down.

I cautiously laid down on my back and waited for his next instruction.

"Open your eyes."

I opened them and the first thing I noticed was the bright blue sky above me. I flipped onto my front and realised we were in some sort of clearing in the middle of the woods.

"Wow." I said in awe. "I had no idea this was here."

He grinned, he was lying on his back next to me. "I come here when I'm stressed to watch the squirrels search for nuts or the birds fight over worms."

I turned my head to the side and laid my head on my hands. "It's so peaceful, I think I could fall asleep."

"There's a tree house over there." he pointed to the other side of me. "When I was younger my biological father built it for me so it was my safe spot when my parents started arguing and eventually split."

I moved my eyes from the tree house to his face.

"Do you miss him?" I asked softly.

He nodded slowly. "I hated my step father, I never understood why my parents split."

"Do you keep in touch with your father?"

He shook his head. "He completely cut off contact with my mother and I. I have a feeling I did something wrong and he hates me, but I don't know why."

"I'm sure he doesn't hate you, maybe your mother doesn't want you to talk to him or something."

He shrugged and stood up. "Want to go to the tree house?"

I stood up and brushed the dirt off my clothes. "Okay."

"It's not difficult to climb up the branches, I'll show you how to do it if you want."

"I'm sure I can do it." I said confidently and climbed onto the first branch, gripping onto the trunk tightly. There were many places for me to hold onto and place my feet so I managed to get to the tree house in no time at all.

I climbed inside and gave him a thumbs up.

He soon joined me and began to throw twigs and leaves out the entrance. "Seems as if it's gotten a bit dirty since I last visited."

"It's cool." I helped him clear it out before resting my back against the wall.

"I've only ever brought two other friends here when I was younger." he sat down next to me.

"Are you still friends with them?"

He shrugged. "They go to our school but they're in a different class. I haven't had a chance to find and talk to them yet."

"What are their names? Maybe I know them."

"Felix and Chan."

"Oh the Aussies? They seem pretty cool."

He glanced at me. "Have you talked to them?"

"Nah I've just seen them in the corridors and at lunch. They're kind of like celebrities in our school."

"No way!" he laughed. "They were so quiet when I last saw them, they must be so different then."

We stayed silent for a while. It was a comfortable silence and I felt relaxed listening to his quiet breathing.

"Do you have a good relationship with your father?" he asked suddenly.

I felt my throat tighten. "He's dead." I whispered.

"Crap I'm so sorry Jisungie, I wouldn't have asked if I'd known."

"Don't worry about it." I assured him. "It happened when I was a baby."

He reached for my hand and held it in his own. "Will you be in trouble with your mother because of what happened today?"

I sighed. "I think she'll kill me."

"Even if you tell her it wasn't your fault? That Taeyong has been bullying you?"

"She won't believe me." I scoffed. "She hates me and will probably use this as an opportunity to throw more insults at me."

He looked at me worriedly. "Do you want to stay at my house? I don't want you getting hurt over this."

"She'll kill me even more if I don't go home." I laughed nervously. "I can't disobey her."

"Okay but you should come over straight away if something happens agreed?"

"Sure." I agreed.

"Can I perhaps have your number?" he looked nervous while asking this question which made me want to tease him.

"You want my number? Do you have a crush on me or something? You want to ask me on a date?"

"Hey!" he slapped my arm but his cheeks were tinged with pink. "I just want your number in case you need to contact me urgently or something, don't make up weird things."

I laughed. "I'm joking Minnie, you looked too cute so I wanted to tease you." 

"You're a cheeky one aren't you? I'm surprised you don't have any friends, you're pretty funny."

"It's because of the rumours." I mumbled and handed my phone to him.

"Ah the rumours." he nodded and didn't ask further. 

He entered his number into my phone and then held it out to me. I attempted to take my phone back but he held onto it tightly. I looked up at him with a confused expression.

"Promise me Jisung." he said seriously, still not letting go of the phone.

"Promise you what?"

"Promise me you'll tell me if someone says or does anything bad to you. Whether it's your mum, or Taeyong, or someone else. I don't care who it is, I'll make sure they know messing with you means messing with me."

"Minho we just met... I still don't understand why you're being so nice to me."

"Do I need a reason to be nice? I'd much rather be your friend than be friends with someone who just watches another person get bullied."

"I guess that makes sense."

He finally let me take my phone back and raised a questioning eyebrow.

"So you promise Jisungie?"

"I promise Minnie."

My First and Last ✭ SKZ Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now