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After the great feast, the servants pushed the tables back and the music grew louder.
All of the nobles were dancing perhaps a bit more drunkenly than was intended, but this was, after all, the most joyous occasion of the year.

It seemed as though half the kingdom was celebrating in the royal banquet hall.
A rainbow of gowns and linens swirled the courtroom and the people who occupied them were just as merry.

Even some of the servants were dancing about. No doubt that few people of any note were watching much less cared in their drunken stupor.

Even Uther could be seen laughing and enjoying himself from his throne. This was surely a rare sight.

Prince Arthur and Lady Madelena were among those happily dancing. Madelena had a twinge of red pinching her cheeks from the drink and excitement.

Arthur on the other hand, was too focused on getting the steps right.

Merlin was watching from the corner, bobbing his head and watching the festivities. Earlier, he was confused when Arthur had refused more than two glasses of wine, but he knew now that it was probably because he wanted to impress Lady Madelena with his dancing skills, or lack there of.

At one moment Arthur's eyes caught Merlin's from across the crowd and both faces changed. They laughed from their respectful positions in the room.

They laughed as if to say in their own baffled amusement, 'how on Earth did we get here?'

Merlin continued to catch glimpses of his friend's face as Arthur spun and bounced with the merry music, always smiling.
Merlin raised his eyebrows as if to say
'I didn't know that you knew how to dance.'

Arthur saw this and did what he could to shrug, still smiling. Then, his attention returned to the lady he was supposed to be leading and all stiffness had seemed to fade.

Merlin stood awkwardly, having no one to joke with or make fun of.

Eventually, Guinevere excitedly popped out of the crowd, grabbed Merlin's sleeve, and attempted to drag him into the grand elation. She tried to say something to him, but he could not hear past the music.

He tried to pull back.
She glared at him jokingly and screamed, "dance with me!"

He still had not heard her but he read her lips, understood, and not had enough time to forge an answer before he was swept up in the sheer jolly madness taking place at the King's feet.

The music, unceasing, had seemed to grow louder and more wild. Merlin was now at the heart of it.

The whole situation had made him vaguely uncomfortable. If he stood still, he got poked and jabbed by those dancing near him. Merlin decided to shed his pride and uncertainty and danced.
Guinevere held his hand and they twisted and twirled and laughed.

Dancing and bustling gets tired, but the intoxicated radiance of the crowd and the band fueled even the most ragged if dogs.

Merlin looked up.

Arthur smiled at him. It was one of those exhilarated and impossibly happy grins that he had not been known for. The sight of his friend this elated, and the fact that he got to share this moment with him made Merlin's face go red.

After what seemed to be hours the music grew soft. The crowd cheered and resumed to dance.

However, this was more intimate.

It had low, walking rhythms, and it's purpose was to draw one in much nearer.
Gwen kept a respectful distance from Merlin's skinny frame, yet was as appropriately close as the song demanded.

This was perhaps considerably closer than Merlin would have liked.

Gwen looked at him.

He loved Guinevere as platonically as one could, but he feared that she loved him more.

Merlin let her dance close.

He felt a buzzing.

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