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Arthur woke up to a dozing Merlin draped over him.
He felt himself smile, remembering the night before.
Arthur rolled over to face him.

Merlin was snoring lightly. Arthur graced his face with the back of his knuckles. Merlin was still warm with sleep. He stirred at the touch. Arthur again smiled.

Merlin's eyes opened, and looked over Arthur and closed again. The edges crinkled as he grinned.

Worried thoughts of the future bubbled up again. Arthur couldn't help it. He pushed them back down. He would have to learn how do things out of his own interest occasionally.

"What did you do that night after Samhain?" Arthur asked.

Merlin shut his eyes confusedly and stretched. "What do you mean?" He mumbled.

"That night you... you did something. I can't describe it."

Merlin froze, remembering. He knew exactly what Arthur was referring to. That was the night his magic was unchained.

The buzzing.

Had Arthur felt it too?

Merlin didn't know what to say. Should he come out with his secret or should he keep quiet for what might be the rest of his life.

Neither option seemed like the right one.
Merlin propped his torso up on his elbows and leaned over the prince. "Have you ever considered the fact that maybe I'm just that good?"

Arthur smiled yet again. It was one of those famous grins that seemed to make the room brighter. "Can't say that I have."
Merlin snickered, lowering himself and placed a chaste kiss onto Arthur's lips.

He hoped that this would suffice, although eventually, he thought, he would have to tell him.

If this were to go any farther, Arthur would have to know.
Merlin could only imagine the horror on his face. Gods, he thought, I hope he can forgive me.
Part of him thought it easier for him to never know. But could he keep it from Arthur forever? He pushed the thought away.

Merlin pulled back slightly, licking his lips from the dryness. He then shot up realizing what time it must be.
"Bugger" he muttered to himself.

From the comfort of his bed, Arthur watched Merlin frantically collect his previously discarded clothes with amusement.

The prince realized that he enjoyed the way that Merlin moved. Awkward, and clumsy. There was something incredibly endearing about it.

Once Merlin had messily dressed, he grabbed the door, about to close it on his way out when he snuck another lusty glance at the lazy blond. Merlin's eyes briefly flickering over Arthur's idle body, then returning to meet his gaze with a cheeky grin.

Finally, the door swung shut, and Arthur was left alone with nothing but last night's memories and a comfortable burning in his gut.

He smiled to himself.

He couldn't help it.

To all those who commented to protest my absence, thank you. It's really flattering to know that people actually enjoy my writing. I did not think I would bring this one back from the dead.

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