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When Merlin awoke the next morning, sunlight was just starting to stream through the royal windows and Arthur was already up pacing the floor.

It was early.

"Arthur, come back to bed." Merlin mumbled.

He didn't respond.

"Have you even slept?"

Arthur looked over at him. Merlin got his answer. His eyes were red and he wore an expression that badly concealed the worry on his face.

He knew why. Over the course of the next few hours Arthur would plea Merlin's case and Uther would reach some sort of verdict, which had the potential to end horribly.

That look on Arthur's face meant that he knew full well that this could be goodbye.

Merlin got out of bed.
"Hey." He looked into his eyes, "What ever happens, it's going to be alright."
Merlin brought his arms around the prince in effort to console him.

"Come back to bed." He tried again, softer.

Arthur conceded.

They had slept another hour or two before they truly needed to get up and face the King.

When it was time Arthur threw the door open and marched into the throne room. Merlin meekly followed.

Immediately, Uther stood, "What is he doing here? Guards!"
Two large men stepped in and grabbed Merlin's arms.

"I've brought him here." Arthur stood firmly.

"Arthur, the boy has been banished from this castle."

"Yes, that is the reason we've come to seek your attention. I beg you to reconsider."

Uther sat back down. Arthur didn't look at Merlin.

"The fault is mine. I was the one who distracted him from his duties with other meaningless tasks. He was doing what I ordered. I believe it is unjust to enforce the sentence that has been given to him. If anything, I am the one who should be given a sentence."

There was a brief silence.

"What would you have me do?"

"I'd have you reinstate him."

He thought upon this for a moment.

"With the knew knowledge that has been presented to me, I want you to double your training." Uther looked at him thoughtfully, "I will reinstate the boy, however he will be given other tasks and labor primarily in the kitchen. Cook could certainly use more hands. He will start this afternoon."

Arthur was relieved but could not help but feel a bit disappointed at the new order. He knew he shouldn't press further.

"Thank you." Arthur nodded and turned to leave.

He looked at Merlin and Merlin looked at him. He gave him a slight smile.

"And do not forget that Lord Gerrod and his young son will be visiting for a few days. They arrive in five days." Uther added.

It had totally slipped his mind.
Lord Gerrod was a kind enough man, but his son, Tennysen, was a little monster.
The young lord was scarcely thirteen and was often found sneaking through forbidden sections, talking in a very condescending manner, and just striking any nerve wherever he could.

He was a true nuisance.

Arthur was a little less than excited at the prospect of their arrival but he was glad for his father to have some sort of a distraction from this whole mess.

The next few days would be torturous.

Arthur thought it best for them to lay low, at least until the guests arrived. He new that little else would catch the watchful eye of Uther Pendragon. Arthur knew that he and Merlin were on some sort of probation.

Guards were now stationed in his hall at night, as if to reprimand any skulkers who were looking for a nightcap.

Any little slip up could land them in a world of hurt.
Now that Arthur had had a little taste of Merlin, he wanted more.

He wanted to be near him every moment. Arthur yearned for him. He sometimes would lie awake thinking about his hands on pale skin and that night when he gave himself over to everything he previously scoffed at in a nobleman.

Sometimes he would even pleasure himself thinking about it. Stifling hushed moans as he would touch himself, dreaming of only Merlin.

Occasionally, they would happen to pass each other in a lonely hallway (and by pass, of course, he would strategically plan it). Looking only ahead at the destination, Arthur would allow his hand to graze Merlin's and linger as long as he could before an onlooker could notice.

It was little things like these that kept him going.

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