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The next few days were somewhat awkward for the two. It was quite heartbreaking.
Merlin didn't know how to go back to the way things were.

Occasionally, Arthur would flash him a polite half smile upon passing him in the halls, and Merlin would end up thinking about it for the rest of the day.

At one point, Merlin, after preparing his prince a bath, turned and witnessed Arthur removing his clothes.

This was nothing remarkable before, however now something had changed.

That initial nakedness that had once brought them together, (now quite literal) had returned.

Now, when Arthur took off his shirt, Merlin saw the lean muscles shift, and the tan hue of his skin, and all of the little white lines left over from years of battle scars. It was all beautiful to him.

Merlin sometimes felt sick with longing for him. He never before thought it possible that Arthur would even enjoy his company as Merlin enjoyed his. But that door had been slammed shut just as quickly as it had been allowed to open.

Now there was a deep sexual tension. They both felt it.

Initially, it took all of Arthur's strength to not entertain the idea of kissing Merlin or perhaps doing with him other things.

After a week, it had gotten easier. Although he would be lying if Arthur said that he didn't lie awake with remorse for that night, wandering if he made the right decision.

And Merlin swore sometimes that he felt that same stare from Samhain on him, and felt that same buzzing across his body. He wanted so badly to feel like he did that night.

It crossed Merlin's mind less and less as time went on. But nonetheless, it never strayed too far from his thoughts.

It returned to him as he was folding his highness's shirts while Arthur was in the banquet hall, eating his dinner. Merlin hated that they smelled like Arthur. He hated that they were avoiding each other.

There was a soft knock at the door, then immediately the door was opened.

"Why did you knock when entering your own room?" Merlin smirked when he saw who stood in the doorway.

Arthur looked as if he hadn't heard the question. He seemed preoccupied with other things until he muttered, "you never know who'll be snooping around inside."
Arthur plopped down lazily on his own bed as Merlin was finishing up.
Merlin brought a night shirt over to the prince and laid it neatly on the bed next to where he was laying.

There was a very serious air in the room. Merlin could tell that Something had happened. Even with everything that had happened between them, Arthur was never so aggravated.

"Do you want me to leave?" Merlin offered standing over him, remembering the last time they'd had even this much interaction.

Arthur gazed at him with a thoughtful look.
In one quick motion, he grabbed Merlin's wrist and tugged him closer. Merlin, being the clumsy oaf he is, tripped over his own feet in astonishment, and nearly fell on top of the reclining prince.

From then all the pieces fell into place.
Their lips collided with fervor, to Merlin's surprise. He was happy, but he didn't smile. He felt Arthur's anguish.

They kissed softly at first, then with passion. Arthur swung his arms around Merlins neck and pulled him in deeper.

Merlin found himself embraced completely.

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