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Merlin caught up with him as he was turning a corner in the lower district, headed back to the castle. 

He placed a hand on Arthur's shoulder, urging him to turn around and meet him. 

Merlin could think of nothing else to do but wrap his arms around him. Almost immediately, the prince followed suit, and the two just stood there embracing as people passed. 

Merlin felt his throat clench with all of the things he wanted to say to him. 

He couldn't even begin to articulate his gratitude for Arthur's understanding of his current situation, or for how embarrassing the exposure of his magic was.

Merlin fingers grasped tightly onto the back Arthur's tunic. He didn't want to let go. 

Arthur loosened his arms, and stepped back, letting his hands rest on Merlin's arms. 

"Come with me."

Merlin didn't say anything. He was still eaten by guilt.

"We can finish discussing this at a later date, but I want you to spend the night with me."

Arthur took his hand and lead him through the back alleys. He let go when they reached main roads, but he constantly cast a glance backwards to make sure Merlin was still behind him.

He was. He always was. 

He kept his eyes downwards. 

When they reached his chambers, Arthur poured them both a glass of wine. 

Finally, Merlin spoke. "How can you just forgive me?"

Arthur didn't answer for a moment. 

"There's really nothing to forgive." 

After he said this, he tossed Merlin a small, sympathetic smile. Which he returned.

"I'm sorry." Merlin he squeaked anyway.

Arthur looked at him a moment and then offered with a great smile, "You know, I really can't get that 'French Toast' out of my mind. I believe I've been craving it since you left."

Merlin laughed. He took this joke as a sign that he was truly forgiven, despite that he had not quite forgiven himself. He set down his drink and moved closer to Arthur.

Merlin plucked his drink out of his hand. 

"Hey, I wasn't finished with that!" 

Merlin took a sip of Arthur's wine, put it down, and then carefully climbed onto him, straddling his lap. Arthur's hand fell around his waist, securing him in place.

He couldn't leave if he wanted to.

He let his face linger over the prince's, giving him time to refuse, as was his way, before he brushed their lips together.

Merlin tasted like sweet wine.

Arthur was gentle, not wanting to push anything due to the current uncertainty of their relationship. 

Merlin opened his mouth slightly, inviting him in.

They kissed for a moment before Arthur stopped breathlessly.

"I want to see it."

They looked at each other for a moment.

"See what?" Merlin whispered.

"You. Your magic."

Merlin stared at him for a second, thinking.

He held Arthur's hand out in the close space between them. Arthur watched Merlin's eyes flash gold as a small burst of light erupted from his very own hand. He barely wanted to look down, and let himself leave Merlin's beautiful face. 

A small dragon, seemingly made of embers leapt from his palm and flew, lighting their faces. 

After a few minutes, it disappeared into smoke, and Merlin saw Arthur's eyes left with wonder. The wonder didn't fade as he looked back onto his friend's face. 

He kissed him happily. Arthur's hands sunk lower to grip Merlin's thighs. Without warning, Arthur stood, still clasping onto Merlin, who made a surprised yelp, and carried him to his bed. Arthur threw him onto the mattress, perhaps with more force than intended. Merlin laughed at the impact as Arthur crawled over him, hoisting his lover's legs around his waist, as he looked upon him with lust.

Merlin reached his hand up to grace Arthur's cheek and leaned up to kiss him, biting at his lips, and doing every dastardly thing he could think to do. 

Between kisses, Arthur panted, "I want to feel you."

Merlin smiled mischievously and his eyes lit gold as both of their shirts seemed to tug themselves off and fly into a heap on the floor. The rest of their clothes followed in time. 

Arthur would be lying if he said that Merlin's magic wasn't incredibly arousing. 

He could feel his magic seeping into his skin and rattling his bones in a completely thrilling way.

He felt Merlin completely unfurl underneath him, when he pulled himself off. 

Arthur lowered himself to the edge of the bed, as he pushed Merlin's legs apart, not leaving his eyes once. Merlin's already hard cock twitched at the thought of Arthur doing what he was about to do.

He carefully licked Merlin where he was preparing to enter, in the hopes that it would add some lubricant (and also make Merlin squirm, but that was a given). As he did so, he let his fingernails glide around Merlin's thighs, sending an electric thrill up his spine. 

Merlin groaned with pleasure and began to touch himself. He was already so close, but he willed himself to keep it in. 

Arthur carefully inserted himself, gazing with lust at Merlin. 

He felt Merlin's magic's warmth all over his body, caressing and gripping impossibly. 

Arthur leaned over, kissing Merlin's body where he could, and nipping at his neck as he started thrusting. 

Merlin buried his slightly wet hands in the prince's hair and around his shoulders, as they rocked wildly together. 

Their bodies, were pressed flush against each other in the hot and sticky mess they had gotten themselves into, but neither minded. They both felt the very much alive buzz of energy floating through and around them as they gripped each other.

This was like nothing else Arthur had experienced. It was simply other worldy, and in his mind he was already calculating how he could have Merlin like this again. 

He was almost ready to propose to the wizard when Merlin emitted a euphoric moan and he felt hotness spill in-between them. With this, he felt his own bliss burst inside him and fill his whole body. Arthur thrusted one last time before holding, panting, and looking onto his lover in such bewildered amazement. 

Merlin leant himself up to kiss Arthur and embrace him as he fell laughing and huffing onto him. 

"That was the most brilliant thing I've ever encountered." Arthur exhaled.

The two laid there long after their breathing slowed. Arthur, resting his head on Merlin's chest and Merlin running his fingers through Arthur's hair and down his shoulders. 

He magicked them clean so that they didn't have to spoil such a beautiful moment.

This is what love looks like, Arthur thought.

He had never felt anything like it before. 

"I'm in love with you." Merlin declared softly.

Arthur propped himself up to reach him, planted a kiss onto his lips. 

He flashed the most brilliant smile.

"I've always loved you."

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