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"Now, what have you brought me?"

Merlin kissed him once more and smiled. "I've got some grapes you can feed me."

Arthur let out an exaggerated "ha-ha."
Merlin mirrored his sarcasm.

"I've also brought cake."

"Well thank god for that."

But in truth, Arthur didn't care so much about the food, he just wanted to ravish Merlin while he could.
It had been the first time in a week they had directly spoken to each other and he missed the sound of his voice.
At one instance during the week, while he was lying in bed, it struck Arthur just how much Merlin occupied his thoughts.

It started to worry him.

Had he truly become a distraction?

He had been brutally independent before he allowed himself to get attached, but now he craved the touch of his manservant.

Maybe this brief time apart was a good thing, as hard as it may be.

But that had passed for now. Arthur just wanted to think about what was happening then and there and nothing else.

He kissed him.

It was passionate at first, but as he pulled away and gazed sleepily at the gorgeous pale boy in front of him, Arthur realized that he wanted to last as long as possible.

He wanted to let all of this last as long as possible.

Merlin came closer, wanting another, but Arthur drew back only slightly, waiting. Their faces, close enough to feel the hot breath of the other.

There was a chill in the air but they hardly took notice.

Arthur looked over him. His eyes seemed to land on his bite-stained lips. They were beautiful, even in the moonlight.

There was a sharp crack. They both heard it. Both heads whipped around towards the sound.

Something large had just fallen from the branches of the tree.

Arthur leapt to his feet but Merlin recognized him first.

It was Tennysen.

The boy looked up in fear of not only getting caught but also falling bum first into the Crowned Prince's biggest secret.

He must've followed Merlin all the way from his bed chambers.

Instinctually Merlin raised a palm from his position a few yards away. He shouted something Arthur didn't understand. Energy sprung from his fingertips and zapped the young lord.

It all happened so fast.

Tennysen fell backwards, unconscious. After a minute, his chest was slowly rising and falling.

Merlin felt a gnawing, aching pain. He slowly realized what he had done. He looked over Arthur, who glared at him in horror.

He sat, eyes wide, brows furrowed, with his back braced against the tree. He said nothing. He probably couldn't if he wanted to.

Arthur, careful to not turn his back to Merlin, staggered closer to the boy, to check his health.

Merlin's heart sagged. He wanted to cry. He wanted to make it better. But he didn't think he would ever forget that look of disgust and rage and hurt that was splattered across Arthur's face.

"Arthur, I-" Merlin stammered, "he's only sleeping, he won't remember anything tomorrow, he just needs rest."

Arthur checked his pulse. After a minute he picked the up child, his legs hanging over one arm, and his neck and shoulders supported in the other.
His limbs swung limp.

"What have you done to him?!" He screamed.

Merlin was choking back tears.
"I just- I"

"Was this your plan all along?! To use your magic to... to seduce me?!" Arthur's eyes were searching with anger and something else.

Then he screamed something that broke Merlin's heart. "Did...did you make me this way?!"

"Please, Arthur- no! I could never!" Merlin stammered.

Arthur breathed heavily in frustration, he was trying to calm himself down.

Merlin had never seen him like this. So completely enraged that he seemed blind to reason.

It shook him.

Now, there was some notion within Arthur that Merlin had magically instilled a lack of taste for women.

Arthur held the boy and started to walk off before leaving sharp parting words, "I suggest you be gone by morning, before you get yourself executed."

He couldn't even look at Merlin.

The prince stomped towards the front gate.

Merlin fell to his hands and knees. He couldn't breathe. It felt like the clean air had been sucked right out of the Earth an all that was left was biting wind.

He felt warm tears stain his cheeks.
How could he be so stupid?

He lost his only friend. Although lost might've been too kind a word.

Once Arthur found out the truth, he spat him out with more disgust than he'd ever seen on a human being.

He had defiled the prophecy. He had nothing left.

Through the woods, there were two guards that stood at attention on either side of the wrought iron gate.
"Who goes there!" One of them barked. He then recognized the prince and scrambled to open the gate.

Arthur stopped in front of him, young lord in hands.
"If word of this gets out to anyone, I'll know exactly who to come for first." He growled and stalked off into the night.

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