Only the Beginning

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"Class you know our science projects are coming up in less than a week so I want you guys to start thinking about what your going to do your experiment on " Mr.Donald announced .

Matter of fact I want you guys to go home write down what your experiment is going to be on & bring it back tomorrow ! " Since we only have a few minutes left in class you can talk among yourselves .

I turn to Trenice, my ROD ( ride or die ) " so gurl what you doing your project on this year ? "

"Child I don't een know " she replied

I snickered . " let me guess proabbly on how many boys you dated over the summer ? " 2 ? 4 ? 12 ? "

"Haha so funny aren't you ?"

No girl , I'm so serious I'm worried about you . As a true friend you falling off of your game . You used to be a A1 A student now all you do is Party & Text boys all day long . What happened to your goals ? You threw those out the window like you did your virginity ? " I questioned

First off " your being a bitch just because I don't have my fingers stuck up my ass doesn't mean you have to be ms Debby downer . " she rolled her eyes .

"You know what Trenice Fuck you ! Your an immature slut so when you get yourself together then we can talk again but for now . Don't speak to me nor text me . "

Fine you act like I need Your ass. She stated

"Hey hey ! What's with all the language over there young lady's ? " Mr.Donald asked . * bell rings* He looked over at me and said

"Angel before you go come to my desk I need to speak to you he said ." As the class walked out I headed over to Mr.Donald's desk slamming my books in my bag . Angel this isn't like you cursing in class ? Your acting so out of order today . " Im sorry Mr.Donald but I was just having a argument with Trenice . " Okay I understand but tone it down the next time " Okay Mr.Donald I will . " As I headed for the exit he called me back to his desk and said ."So Angel what have you decided to do your project on ?"

I don't know yet . I was thinking of something like a society project . " what do you mean ?" Well Here's my thing I want to do . " Would it be okay if my project is how people face people on society today about how they are and their ways , and not who they really are inside ? "Well what are you trying to say ? I really want to do my project on Me becoming A lesbian Dyke . I want to see if people would look at me different and treat me the same . How would it affect me on a daily basis ? " So what do you say about my Proposal Mr.Donald ? "

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