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Lanie stepped in front of Luke with her hands crossed in front her chest .

" so how do you to know each other ?" As she impatiently waited for a reply .

" she's a friend he replied " . My eyes grew wide I let go of Janay's hand as I turned towards her . " a friend like what ? Like as talking on the phone late nights ?" I questioned I was praying she didn't say yes because I would have been heartbroken .

" well we used to like last week but after I met you I stopped . "

" LAST WEEK WHAT THE FUCK ? Luke seriously ?? , Lanie said as she slapped Luke in the face .

" All I ever been was loyal to you & this what you repay me with ? I thought your ass had changed but I guess not all niggas is the same Huh ? "

" Bae I'm sorry you was so caught up with yourself . That you seemed like you ain't have time for me ." He said desperately .

" caught up with myself ? Oh really aha you call trying to pass test to be something in life caught up with myself ?

"Then you got the wrong idea on life " she said rolling her eyes . She snatched off a necklace & threw it on the floor stomping on it several times .

" I am so sorry I had no idea " Janay said

" it's okay I was over it anyways everything not so sweet as it looks on the outside she said heading toward the door .

" this is all your fucking fault . You couldn't just play along Huh ? "

Janay's eyes started to tear up .

" now your crying Huh I don't care I just lost my girl because of you ! "

I stepped in front of Luke

" now just because you fucked up don't mean you need to take it out on her . It's not her fault for you being a fuck boy . " I grabbed Janay's hand & turned away heading to the west side of the mall to just walk around and talk .

" are you mad at me ? " she asked while sniffling .

" nah I can't be if it happened before I came in the picture plus we just friends so what would I be mad for ? " trying to play it off .

" she stuttered W-Well I like you . Like a lot . " she blushed


I didn't know what to say this was a first for me. I always dated boys & played the girl in the relationship .

Knowing that I liked her too & I like what I was becoming I told the truth about my feelings.

I like you too . A lot I said smiling . "Hand me your phone . "

She reached into her bag & handed me her hot pink iPhone . I inserted my number 770-234-5676 .

I saved the number under Lil boo . With cute emojis & handed her the phone back use it I said .

She smiled so hard that I saw all

Her beautiful white teeth with her bracists . " I will most defiantly" she laughed . We walked around the mall until she stopped at H&M . " Ooh lets go in here ! "She said pulling me into the store . She ran to the racks & grabbed about three things . Leading me to the dressing room . I sat down on the chairs while she went inside . 5 minutes later she came out with a short white sundress .

"Soo how does it look ?" She asked smiling

" your beautiful , I mean it's beautiful on you I said trying to cover up what I just said " .

Blushing she said " you sure "?

"Positive " I gave a quick smirk .

She turned around facing the mirror in the dressing room giving some poses . Until she finally went back in. Another 5 minutes she was calling my name "Angel Can you come here real quick "?

I was nervous . I hope this girl isn't naked I like being this way but you know I never tried this type of stuff before .

I headed over the the dressing room & knocked on the door . Her holding her bra & her hair up "can you zip the back up for me ?" My hands began to shake & shiver .

I slowly reached for the zipper & I was hesitating . I zipped the zipper up on the dress & she turned around

"What about this one " ? She said .

It's cute & all but that first one was better on you .

"Really okay . " I was still standing in the dressing room when she started to change out & put back on her clothes . I didn't know if I should look away or what .

She begin putting on her pants & shirt . We headed to the cash register & she bought the first dress I liked .

We walked out the store & some lady stopped us & told us that Malcolm was looking for us . I just told the lady okay & ignored him . I know Janay didn't want to talk to him & neither did I . " One more stop ?Mac & then we can leave" she said . We went into Mac . Which was the make up store . She seemed as if she was in heaven . Asking the people for specific names of lipstick . She knew exactly what she was talking about too .


When I came in Mac it was always just for some mascara . Nothing more or nothing less

When we finally reached the cash register this girl had about 4 lipsticks in her hand . I laughed

" what's funny ? " she asked

" all this lipstick you buying . " she rolled her eyes playfully & paid for the lipstick .

The whole ride home We just talked about her past . Something interesting that she shared with me when she was 7 her uncle raped her . For me not to know her that long & for her to tell me That made me feel very special . Also on our way home I asked her " since you was talking to Luke that makes you bi ? "

" No not really she said I'm gay it's just that I couldn't find no girl that I was really interested in.

She trusted me & I didn't want to let her down . At the end of the day how would I break this to her knowing that it was a science project but at the same time it wasn't .

Later that day when I got home I decided to change my room around . So I threw on some basketball shorts & a sports bra . I went in the garage & grabbed the black paint off of the shelf with the roller paint brush . I grabbed two towels & spread them across the door of my room .

Before I could even start to paint an unknown number facetimes me .

I answered & guess who it was Janay .

She had on her glasses & a black shirt with cheerleading shorts

" hey there !" She said smiling

I laughed "you caught me at the right time I was just about to paint my room over "

" really I want to help . "

"It's 9:30 I'm pretty sure your moms not go let you come over right now . "

I said while rubbing my Eyes

She looked up in the camera

"Yeah ,your right it is a school night & you look tired yourself"

rubbing your eyes .

I am I said laughing

"You had me in for a rude awakening today at the mall . "

"Oh yeah about that Sorry . "

"But how about I come over tomorrow after school & help you paint ."

"No need for apologizing I said & okay sounds good . "

" goodnight then ! Hope you sleep good she said "

"You too" while I hung up face time .

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