Chapter 23

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( btw :There is a lot of switching of back in forth Of Povs ' (Point of views) thought the next few chapters )

Janay's POV
Angel & I stood at the door for a little while . She was getting ready to open the door until the knob turned on the other end and he was about to walk out of the room .
My eyes Grew big . My big boy was so handsome with his curly brown hair and his big brown eyes . He had the same skin tone as I did .

I kneeled down , " Hey Matthew I'm pretty sure you don't remember who I am ".

" Yes I do !" His eyebrows lifted so high almost touching his hair line with a smile showing his deep dimples in his chin and one in his right cheek . " Your my Mommy !" He yelled out running into my arms squeezing me tight .

I was shocked . He still remembers me ?

I hugged him back squeezing him tightly and gave him big smile and a kiss on his cheek .
" I Miss you baby ..How do you remember me from so long ago buddy ?" I questioned him .

"Dad use to show me pictures of you when you was my age . "

I shed a tear . His father was sick how could you even show him that knowing what you did to me .

" what's wrong mommy ? "Why you crying he said wiping the tear from under my eyes .

" Nothing baby "I smiled . Did you meet Angel yet I ask turning around trying to change the subject .

He nodded his head no . Angel walked over and stood behind me .
" Mathew this is Angel , you can say your other mommy " . He looked up confused . But I thought you was my mommy .

" I am but so is she , see I don't like boys" I said to him . "I like girls and this is my girlfriend "

He nodded his head yes and cracked a quick smirk . " So your Lesbian ?"
Angel busted out laughing behind me putting her hands in her boxers .
" Yes Mathew" I said laughing .

" Well we have a lot of warming up and getting to knowing each other better "Angel said . How about we start off with some ice cream.

"Mathew You want to go get some ice cream little man ? I'll take my brother with us he's 13 and he'll keep you some company I'll bet . "
He looked up at me with a thin smile to see if I approved .
" Go ahead if you want " I gave a closed smile with my lips .
I finally had made it to the house . I was so tired . Sweat was dripping off my forehead . I think my booty was even sweating a bit . I rang the doorbell and quickly wiped the sweat off my forehead fixing my hair . The tall dark skin man answered the door .

" Come in he suggested " I felt his eyes was looking at the back of me . When I walked in I saw to half naked females laying on the couch on each other sleep . They had nothing on but panties .

He saw me looking . " Oh don't mind them Dirty Hoes they was just leaving anyways . "

I didn't say anything I just stood there looking .

" Kiesha , Runnie Get yall ass up out of my house and take your shit with you . " he pointed at a Vodka Bottle and a pile of clothes laying on the couch next to them .
They ain't budge . He walked over to them smacking them on there butt .

" I said get y'all ass up " he demanded .

They quickly got up and rushed out of the front door with the bottle of vodka and their clothes in their hands .

I was scared what did I get myself into . Them Girls just ran outside the house naked . What the fuck .
" Come in here baby girl "I heard him say
I walked into a very nice Kitchen . Golden Cabinets , Two ovens , A updated Fridge & he had marble counters and floors . The walls was also painted a dull creme color . I walked around the kitchen touching the counters. While he was grabbing something from a stack .
He handed me a thick packet and a separate sheet of paper .

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