Chapter fourteen / all is revealed

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"That I want to be with you for now and ever." - unknown.

That I love you I know
You are my life......
That you complete me
Giving purpose to my life.....
With you everything seems perfect
You awaken my soul......
And make me love you
More and more and more

He just knew that now was the perfect time to admit his feelings to Gaura. He had this feeling that she too felt something for him. At least her reply to his kisses told him so. The last few days had been magical. Since that night while returning from the aushadhalya when he had kissed her, he hadn't expected their passion to burn so strongly for each other. He had, had a tough time controlling himself. He was not planning on telling her about his feelings. He felt hesitant somehow....yet something inside him was pushing him forward. Telling him not to wait. He was tired of waiting, he burned for her. He wasn't able to control himself around her. Since that first kiss, as though a dam had opened in him and his feelings were running rampant, wild, unruly. Every time after that he had touched her she had made him burn more and more strongly. He wanted her, as he had never wanted anyone ever before. He was madly intensely in love with her. And there was no doubt in his mind about his feeling for her. Seeing her sitting there on the rock, he couldn't stop his feet from following her. And before he knew it the words were out of his mouth.

Holding her by her arms he turned her around.
"I love you Gaura!!"
Her eyes lit up. He could see the same happiness shining in her eyes that he felt. He drew her into his arms, so bewitched by her tantalising eyes. They seem to tie him up, and he seem to become captivated, more and more enchanted by them. As he drew her into his arms he was himself drawn into her snare.
"I lo......" he could feel her words now. Her hands were on his chest. He was trembling as much as she was. This nearness was as much an uncontrollable emotion as her nearness was an agony. They were so close, he could feel her breath her every emotion. He wrapped his arms around her. Pulling her even closer. Waiting to hear her. His heart was beating so fast and so hard, probably everyone far away could also hear it.
Touching her lips to his brought him to such a frenzy, that he totally lost control of himself. He couldn't touch her enough, his lips running a path of destruction. Biting her passionately on the soft flesh below her ears, he lucked it, soothing the hurt. His right hand combing through her scalp as his left held her tight to him. His emotions flaring up to a new height.
In his excitement he barely felt her push. He for a minute did not understand what was happening. Was she trying to stop him. He looked at her....her eyes too were dazed with passion, but then....why did she stop. Why were her eyes clouded with regret. She was looking troubled. Her head moving from side to side in denial. And then before he could even understand what was happening she had pushed him away and dashed from there.

He just sat there dazed for some time. Not sure what had just happened. Still overwhelmed with the feelings that Gaura had risen in him. He couldn't believe he had so completely and so quickly lost control of himself. He looked up in the direction that Gaura had fled in. Then he too ran after her. He must not have been far from her because just a little later he heard a distressed cry.
"Gaura!!" His heart skipped a beat. He started running in the direction of the voice.
He could hear her cry now, as he suddenly came upon her falling, rolling down a slope. He recklessly ran down the slope catching her just as she was going to hit a sharp jagged rock. He held her tightly safe in his arms and stilled her. Sitting up he pulled her into a sitting position. Her hair were messily covering her face. He gently pulled them back from her face. He picked her up in his arms and slowly climbed back up to the top. Looking around he was a small clearing with a thick grass flooring. Walking into the clearing he looked around it was small, just a space in between trees where the sun had managed to reach the ground. It was safe there seem to be no wild animals around. He gently put her down. She hadn't uttered a word since he had picked her up at the bottom of the ditch. She was still looking down, her eyes refusing to look at him. Her mouth firmly shut, not a word out of them. He ran a quick check to see if she had hurt herself. Finding nothing wrong, he pulled her into his arms. Holding her in a comforting manner.
"Thank Shiva! You are alright. Gaura !! Are you mad? You don't run into the jungle like this. What if you had startled a wild animal? It would have attacked you, you know! How could you be so careless...Damn!!" His heart still wound up with the fear he had felt when he had heard her cry.
They just sat there. Not saying a word. Sometime silence speaks more than words. How long they sat there they did not know. She still hadn't spoken a word.
"Let's go home!" He spoke in a barely audible tone, but he knew that she had heard him. Yet she did not reply. She stayed the way she was, simply hiding her face in the crook of his arms. He too sat there not ready to give up the peace that he was finding there, with her in his arms.
Finally he moved. " I have to take you back home. It is getting late. Vaidyaraj will worry." This time he did not wait for her reply.
Helping her get up they quietly made there way back to the waterfall. Rudra quickly picked up their belongings . And then they made their way back home.
He just stood there quietly in the late afternoon setting sun as she entered her house. She paused for a moment, just standing there not saying a word, then as quietly as she had been since her fall, she went inside.

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