Twenty two/

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Hi dear Readers!
Hope you are enjoying this tale of Rudra and Gaura.
This is again a short story as was my earlier novel. When I started this story I was not very clear about how it would unfold. I had a broad story in mind, And the characters of Gaura and Rudra were sort of clear. The story as it went seemed to take its own path, as did Gaura and Rudra's characters. It was as though their story was unfolding before me. Till the twentieth chapter I know it has gone pretty slow but I will try and publish the remaining chapter as soon as possible. Happy Reading.......
PS: don't forget to vote and I would love your comments. They motivate me to write faster.......

Why is it that I
Keep falling in love with you
What is it that keeps pulling me to you.
Is it in your smile that brightens my day so
Or is it your eyes that that
their depths keeps pulling me in
Every time you tweak  your nose
I fall in love with you more
Your voice calls out to me
livening up my day.....
Every time more and more
I feel you,  keep falling for you
Is it something about you or
Is it you my love
That I cannot see anyone but you
That I cannot love anyone but you.......

In the palace
Earlier that night.
The piper was playing a very tilting music, in accompaniment the harmonium and the tabla were making the full moon night look magical. The musicians were there but sitting in a corner. The dancer was in the middle of the pavilion, her hair falling in loose curls dressed in skimpy drapes was enticingly dancing, giving beckoning look to the man sitting in front of her. Lamps and mashaal were burning brightly, waving in between with the breeze which blew periodically. The scented of Jasmin wafting in the air. The garden pavilion had never looked so beautiful, its red stone pillars and carved canopy adding a luxurious serene beauty. The man reclining on one side of the pavilion, held a glass of wine in his hand, sipping occasionally he kept looking at the dancer. Her steps kept getting bolder the longer she held his attention. He kept drinking more and more..
Bhagwant Singh kept looking at her... she was more beautiful than he had ever imagined...
He had dreamt of her since he could remember. Her every move was perfection. Her skin! So flawless, her eyes were burning him alive with their intensity. Kaushki! Kaushki! He wanted her so badly. He!!.... He got up with a jerk and walking over to the dancer he picked her up. She smiled down at him... "Kaushki!" He spoke out. Putting her down on the cushion he latched on to her lips.
The man standing there stood frozen for a few moments. Not sure whether he should interrupt the proceedings. Dearly wishing at the same time that he was somewhere else, rather than here. Sometimes he did questioned his sanity for wanting to work with this man. But then he always knew the answer before hand, a smirk on his face. Banwari was from a very low humble background and his ambitions were larger than life. Latching on to Baghwant Singh he had achieved all that he had ever wanted. And nothing now was going to make him lose it all. Taking a deep breath he approached the figure crouched on top of the girl.
"Ucchata! Your highness! Ucchata please! This is important." He repeated again.
Finally Bhagwant Singh paused, yet he did not look up. He stayed the way he was, but Banwari Singh knew that he had Bhagwant Singh's attention.
"Ucchata! I come with new information. You want to know about it." That was all he said. He waited for Bhagwant Singh to respond. Bhagwant Singh simply lifted his right hand and yelled "Go! Everyone."
Within minutes the pavilion was empty beside the two. Banwari kept standing there not uttering a single word till he could no more hear a single sound.
"She is here! Hukum." He simply said.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
He kept looking at Banwari.
"So our plan worked. The honey called the bee."
"Yes! Parishram saw her. As reported earlier in Paliyana too, she was with two me...guards." He ammended himself.
"Parishram! Your son."
"Yes! He was on duty at the smaller square, when as informed to all the guards two men and a woman were crossing by, he smartly did not say a word, to avoid alerting them, of course." He stopped suddenly, looking hesitant.
"Well! Go on. Then what." Bhagwant Singh looked at Banwari. No expression crossing his face.
"She..he...she..ahmmnnn.. (Taking a deep breath he continued ) he saw her..." he fumbled..
"Stop! Start again." He looked irritated.
"Yes Ucchata! By the time Parishram crossed over they were gone. He hunted them but he was able to get only a glimpse. But he is hundred percent sure it is her. She turned as she was taking a turn and he clearly saw her face. It was her! Hukum."
"She is very unforgettable, I know. People will notice her, even if she tries to hide herself. Not like the others in the palace. I think she know a way in, I have this feeling. There is someway she knows of getting into the palace without anyone coming to know, I am sure. Smaller square you said, hmmmnn..and she suddenly disappeared,....could be she is probably already here. I think she will go first to Rang Mahal, in search of her parents. Alert the guards."
"At the guest house?" Banwari asked.
"No! At the Rang Mahal! She does not know that they are not at the Rang Mahal. She will go there. Send your trusted guards to hide in the room where they were kept and keep watch. Search all the room and position guards all around the Rang Mahal, but as quietly as possible. I should simply kill the old man and the queen. I want no claimants to the throne. The rest, all of them the royal family..." he looked at Banwari, his eyebrow raised in question.
"Done Ucchata!" A blank look in his eyes. He had done what he had been ordered to do.
"Place more guards around and ( he paused, his looked down then suddenly he looked sharply up at Banwari...his look, it could shake the sturdiest of men. Sweat running down his face, even in the cool night. Baghwant Singh did not look like he had been deeply imbibing of the grape wine.) I think station some guards near the room. We will catch her. And no one knows that the old man and his queen are in the old Haveli. But don't do anything that will alert her. I want her Banwari, I want her at any cost."

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