Chapter fifteen/ mine and yet not

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Every moment spent with you is like a dream come true.
Quotes by Unknown

Your kiss unfolded my emotions
Your touch lingering over my body
A feeling that rose in me
Making me ache as never before
Bounding me in a way that
I yielded to you completely
My body and my soul
Giving all that was

The following morning
Ahhhh her body was aching all over. She didn't even know those places existed even in her body. Picking up the dirty utensils she went to the wash area and started washing them. Her morning chores were almost over. she should be feeling exhausted after last night but ....she had never felt so vibrant ever. She had barely made it back home in the morning. She had just entered her room when she heard Baba getting up. She had taken a deep breath, she wouldn't know how to explain her absence to him. And what if he had seen Rudra and her together at the gate. He had pulled her into his arms holding her tightly, both lost in each other's feel.
A lost smile creeped up onto her face. Her thoughts far away, lost in the darkness of the previous night. She could still feel Rudra touching her. His finger making sensual patterns as it moved over her shoulder, on to her arm.... she was lying on her left side. Her sari loosely covering her naked body. Feeling too shy to face Rudra. It had been had been so close. She had felt one with him, so connected, as though their souls were touching each other. Now she felt too awkwardly to look into his eyes. He was nestled behind her. His body cupping hers from the back. His breath blowing her nape hair softly. She felt him move as his finger came and touched her nape, tucking her errant lock of hair behind her ears. Slowly his finger moved over to her shoulder. Uhhhhh..She drew a deep breath, finding her breathing erratic all of a sudden.....
The loud clattering of the utensil, brought Gaura sharply back to the present.
"Is all well?"
She looked up to see Baba looking worriedly at her.
"Yes!! I am fine Baba!" She mustered a smile. "I am fine" she repeated more for herself. "Ahhh I was clumsy, that's all."
"Be careful child." He spoke softly as he turned to go and sit on the charpoi*
"Yes! Baba."
Carefully picking up the fallen utensils she went back into the kitchen. As she was putting them away, someone knocked on the entry door. She turned to see who it could be. They weren't expecting guests at this time. Normally people came to meet Kaka in the evening and Baba everyone preferred to meet in the aushadhalya.
He came in and touched first Baba's feet seeking his blessings. "Namaste! Baba." He had taken to calling him Baba, since his stay at the aushadhalya.
"What brings you here, Ballu? I hope everything is fine?"

"All is well, Baba. I have come for Gaura. I promised her that I would take her to see our Somnath temple. Our architect went all the way to Somnathji so we too could have something close to the great temple here in Pinakipura. And believe me Baba it is a sight to behold. Since it is Monday, we can even do the abhishekam today."
Gaura looked at Ballu in surprise. Not sure what he was up to. Since they had made no such program together.
"It is indeed a fine idea. As it is Gaura does not go out much. It will do her good. Besides she goes every Monday to the shiva temple near the Aushadhalya. You know Ballu my Gaura is a great devotee of the lord Mahadev. She has been religiously praying to lord Mahadev since she was a tiny girl." Turning to Gaura..... "Go child, you should not make anyone wait."

Across the plateau,
At that very same time.....
In a lavish villa,
In a luxuriantly furnished room......
Her eyes filled with hatred, she sat still as a statue on a large bright red cushion. A maid was slowly massaging fragrant oil on her arms. Normally she loved to sit and gloat. Her room was the most luxurious room in the entire village, beside the chiefs place. And she loved to sit and think how she would redecorate the chiefs villa. But today all she could see Rudra in Gaura's arms. Rudra kissing her. Kissing that witch! She still could not get the sight from yesterday night out of her mind. Her vision filled with hatred as she relived that hurtful moment, when she had come upon Rudra and Gaura lying in each other's arms. They had obviously been making love. Their naked bodies glistening with sweat, holding on to each other as though there was no tomorrow. She could see the laughter on their faces, both were still breathing hard. Then they..they had..they kis...
She felt a sharp pain coursing through her heart, twisting it into knots. Pulling her hands sharply she slapped the maid hard on her face. Kicking her hard with her leg. Letting all the anger out in that one blow.
The maid cowered with fear, her mistress was ruthless and all in this house disliked her. She was use to this but still it hurt. Tears burst out as she cried out with fear.
"Sorry mistress. I am so sorry....I..I didn't mean tooooo" she wailed.
Appeased with the fear she saw in the maids eyes, she turned away.. she needed to think of a way to get Rudra back..
"Be careful. I will not be so understanding next time."
The maid bent her head forward, not wanting the bitch to see the relief in her eyes. Satya knew well the tantrums that this evil woman was capable off. And something was troubling her for sure, because she was up since early morning which was a rarity in it self. Since she never got up before noon. She had more airs than even a princess must be having. And was more wicked than anyone she knew. God! Only if she didn't need this work so desperately......

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