Twenty seven- true colours are shown

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The first time I saw you
My heart whispered.....that's the one
I wanted to know only you
Your beautiful smile, your happy laughter
Seeing you feeling you I knew.....
There is my heart and there is my love...
Both are you.....only you

" Enough!" Chief Are roared. This was turning out more like a dramatic play then a council hearing. There was silence, absolute silence for a few moments, no one really expecting that out burst from the chief. Even Sambhava shut up after that. "There will be silence from all." He looked around letting everyone see his irritation. "anyone who interrupts will not be allowed to speak. First clear the murder charges.." looking glaringly at everyone..."then other things....Is that clear?" He waited again, seeing that there was pin drop silence in the hall he continued. "Who else do you have as witness, Rudra."
"Chandrika! Chief Aare. She was present at the time of the attack." He motioned for her to come forth.
"Chandrika please tell us what happened." Suketu who was sitting like a punished boy immediately got up to object. One look from Chief Aare was enough to make him sit back. Chandrika came and stood in front of the chief. Rudra nodded to her to continue. She smiled at him and then introduced herself. With out delaying she recounted the entire happening. Chief Aare then asked Rudra all that he saw.
"Chief Aare I was not there when she stabbed lady Gaura, by the time I reached the scene, lady Gaura was lying unconscious on the ground. A dagger was stabbed into her shoulder, Chandrika was restraining Sambhava. Who was aggressively yelling that she would kill Gaura. There was a madness about her, she was violent and capable of anything at that moment."
"What happened then?" He had already heard the basics from Rudra. Suketu had come charging that night when Sambhava had been arrested, but he hadn't been home, as he had gone for hunting in the forest, which he always did once every month. He had come back after four days. Rudra had informed him on his arrival about all that had transpired behind him. He as security chief of Kundalgad had full right to arrest anyone he pertained a threat, which he had done. Suketu had wanted him to conclude the matter but when Rudra had resisted, he had no choice but call for a council hearing as soon as possible. Looking at the girl standing there, it was hard to believe what Rudra was saying. Sambhava!! No!No! She did not look like she could have lifted a pin to harm anyone, let alone put a dagger into someone. but he trusted Rudra, and knew his son would never do anything wrong.
"Agni was there with me, I ordered him to immediately arrest Sambhava and put in containment. And I rushed Gaura to the aushadhalya." His heart still twisted into knots every time he thought of all that had happened. If Chandrika hadn't been with Gaura, Sambhava would have fatally hurt Gaura. That woman she was mad.
"We have heard enough against the accused, I think we should hear the side of the defense too." Chief Aare looked at the council committee, they all gave their approval. " Suketu now you may speak. You may bring forth any witness if you have. What do you have to say in defence to the accusations?"
"What can I say to such baseless lies Chief Aare. Because of that woman my poor innocent daughter is in this predicament. She did nothing! She is innocent! I don't understand what they have against my sweet Sambhava that they so lie about her."
"Suketu did she not attack lady Gaura?" Chief Aare asked Suketu.
"No! She did not. She was provoked! She would never do such a deed. Everyone knows my daughter is the sweetest girl around. That woman attacked my Sambhava first. You all don't know the whole story."
"Chief Aare we have witnesses. Everyone present there saw how Sambhava came out of the blue and attacked lady Gaura with a dagger. If Chandrika hadn't held on to her, she would have hurt her even more." Agni was not to be left behind. Just because his brother loved the same woman he did and she was out of reach for him did not change the fact that he loved her and would do anything for her. Besides he was siding with the right side, and Gaura was right.
"That woman has driven my poor Sambhava to such an extent that she couldn't control herself. And that other woman, her friend, an outsider, all this it is their plan. They wanted my Sambhava out of the way, so she could get what she wants. She had taken away the one person whom, my Sambhava truly loves the most." Abject misery shown on his face. As though on cue, Sambhava burst into a cascade of tears. The debate was going exactly as he had planned.  He was proud that Sambhava was doing exactly as he had told her to do.
"Lady Gaura?" Kaka so confused that he just couldn't control his outburst.
"She thinks because she is a princess she can do anything, get anyone she wants." His face held on to that miserable look.
"Are we talking of the same person? Because everyone here knows that the lady Gaura is not like that." What was Suketu up to, Kaka knew that the Chief had agreed with Suketu for the marriage of Sambhava and Rudra. But love.....?
"Yes!! You all are unaware of her true nature......She is jealous of my dear daughter, of how beautiful my Sambhava is, and how kind and gentle a person she is. That Gaura, she wants Rudra, to be his wife, having lost her own kingdom she is looking for a replacement, and Rudra, he is after all the future chief of Kundalgad." Rudra looked with disbelief at this conniving man standing in front of him. "She knew that Rudra and Sambhava were to be engaged and she couldn't tolerate this. She schemed and took Rudra away just when the engagement was to be announced. Ask Sambhava?" Tears were running down his eyes. Oh Yes!! The pin was working, and so were the tears. He could see sympathy shift in his favour. The pin had been a master stroke. He had hid a pin in his dhoti and without anyone realising it he had pricked himself with it. Ah! Hard! The tears had automatically followed.Ha!ha!ha!
"Tell me what Suketu says, is it true Sambhava ?" Chief Aare looked at the helpless girl standing before him, tears running down her beautiful face.
"What can I say, Chief Aare. I.I. don't ..." tears were running down more freely, her face a picture of abject misery. It would be hard not to believe her.
"My child! Please stop crying. Fear not. Tell us all." Chief Aare looked with pity at the innocent girl. She was innocent he was sure. Wiping her tears Sambhava looked around at her audience, she had them where she wanted them. Joining her palms she looked pleadingly at all around her. " I beg you all to please listen to me before you decide who is right and who is the wrong.."
"Continue my child!" Chief Aare assured her.
"Rudra and I were in love and I told my father about our feelings, since I don't hide anything from him. So he came to you directly with the proposal. But this woman came to..."
"If I may, Chief Aare?" A voice rang in the hall, interrupting the dramatic turn of events. Rudra looked at the entrance in alarm. No! It could not be. Gaura stood there leaning on Vaidyaraj's arm. She was still not well, the wound could open. She stepped in, walking slowly over to the chief. "Since this court is being held due to what happened to me and also because I am being blamed, I would with your permission like to be there to defend myself."
She stood there proudly, Rudra couldn't not admire her. He walked over to her, speaking loud enough that only she could hear.
"Gaura, you are not well. I told you to rest. You could open the wound." He looked at her with loving concern. He had almost died seeming her wounded, lying on the ground. Vaidyaraj had literally pulled her from death's door.
"I am alright my love. I needed to be here, now, I know what she is up to, Rudra. You have proven your love to me, it is now my turn to prove my love for you. You are mine, and I will prove that to the world." Her pain filled eyes glowing with love for him. Rudra basked in their warmth. Nodding in agreement, he went back to his place.
Leaving Vaidyaraj where he was standing she walked up to the centre of the hall. Gaura again looked at the Chief and the council members seated on both sides of him.
"With all your permission if I may?" She asked again.
Something made Rudra turn, and he saw sambhava, without her mask on. Her face filled with intense hatred, utter disbelief all over her face, no! she hadn't been expecting Gaura to come here and stand in her own defense. Hah! Gaura it seems had managed to shake her up. Good start!!
Chief Are looked at the council members questioningly, they all nodded in agreement. He put his hand forward, his palm open, a sign for her to come forward.
"You may take a seat Lady Gaura." Seeing Agni's indication, Gaura went and sat down on the seat vacated by him. She was now seated next to Rudra.
"You may speak Sambhava." Chief Aare telling Sambhava to continue from where they had been intrupted.
"I..of.f.f course," surprised for a moment she knew not what she was saying. All she could think of was how much she hated that woman. " As I was saying, Chief Aare. Rudra and I were in love, and he promised to marry me. It was then that I came and told my father about our feeling for each other. I..I don't hide anything from my parents. I tell them everything. You and my father approved of our alliance. I don't know how but she came to know that Rudra and I were to be engaged and that is when she played her game. She seduced him to run off with her. I was shattered, broken, because I truly love Rudra, I knew he loved me too. Our love is very pure."
Rudra couldn't believe what he was hearing. Love! Promise! This woman was mad or what? Why was she spouting his name like this? He was feeling his anger rising, as he now sat at the edge of his seat. A warm hand gently pressed his hand. He looked down, then at her. She smiled and he just felt all his anger fade away. With them together, they would win, he was sure.
"When she returned she taunted me. She couldn't stop telling me how Rudra wouldn't even look at me now. How she had him firmly in her vicious claws. How she would convince everyone to let her stay in Kundalgad and one day she will overthrow Rudra and rule Kundalgad. I was shocked of course at what I was hearing. I couldn't believe anyone could be so vindictive. I did not know what to do. I couldn't let her succeed."
Tears were running down her face, her hands were rubbing into each other. Frantic! Miserable! Grief stricken! Damn! She was a brilliant actress. Gaura couldn't help not admire her. But she had faced worse enemies then her. She could handle herself. She wouldn't let her get away with putting the blame on her.
"There! There! My child." Chief Aare looked moved by the emotional story just narrated, Suketu couldn't stop that smirk from appearing on his face. "No need to cry, we all are their with you? Tell us further what all happened." He solemnly spoke.
"The..There that evening outside the guest house, I was waiting for her," she picked up the corner of her dupatta and delicately wiped a tear of her face. " I begged her Chief Arre, on my knees, to let Rudra go. I pleaded with joint hands, that she could have someone else if she wants, but to let Rudra go. She sneered at my love for him. Throwing gibes at how she would take Rudra away from me. In my grief I did not realise when she took out that dagger, but I was only defending myself, against her attack. I did not realise till later what exactly she had conspired to do........"

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