Twenty three/ will he come for me

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Hi! Dear readers,
This time I have written poetry the way I usually do, in Hindi and Urdu, I have been writing poetry in Urdu for a very long time. So sometimes I find it difficult to write what I want in any other language. Some word don't mean the same or the Essence gets lost when spoken in another language.
But I have tried so all can read. So I have written first in urdu then tried to translate it in english

Palkon mein teri tasveer liye baithe hai,
Mudhaton se teri chahat mein khoya baithe hai.
Tu aaye yah na aaye mere nafs mere pyar
Hum tujh ko hi  Khuda mane baithe hai
Mere maazi meri ibtida tujhi se
Meri azal mera imroz Bhi tujhi se
Teri bekhudi mein bedaar  mere yaar
Chand se taktaki lagaye baithe hai

I am sitting with your picture in my eyes
Lost since so long in your thoughts
You may come or you may not my soul my love
But I have made you my god
My past and my beginning is with you
My eternity my today is also you
Awake in the ecstasy of your love my lover
I keep looking at the beautiful moon

"Get her ready quickly! We don't have time.."
The middle aged woman sternly stood there glaring at the maids. The maids in fear fumbled even more. The old ladies chest swelled up more as the maids looked on the verge of crying. However the woman in question sat on a stool, quietly as though a lifeless doll, her eyes kept looking out of the window. Sightless yet at times they would get this fire in them. But she kept quiet, not uttering a single word.
The sun was lowering slowly in the sky. The time was nearing.
"She is ready! Ma'am!" One of the maid called out.
They all moved away to let the woman see their handy work. Nandini looked with satisfaction. Hmmmnnn the lord will be happy with her work. The princess was looking beyond beautiful. She was proud of the fact that at such short notice she had still managed to get this beautiful dress.
"Leave!" The sound brought her out of her reverie.
"Leave!" This time Gaura is loud and clear. Everyone present looked startled. This was the first word she had spoken since she had come, two days ago.
"I am not allowed to leave you." Nandini spoke as though taking to a unruly child. Did she not understand? She was a prisoner albeit a royal prisoner, and till she got married she would not be allowed to leave.
"I am on the second floor, there is no way of escape. I don't think I can go anywhere. Till it is time, I want to be alone. You may wait out side the door."
Nandini was in a quandary, she did not know what to do. But then the princess was right, they were on the second floor and from here she could hardly escape.
Seeing the hesitation on the old woman's face Gaura pushed her some more.
"You don't want me to complain to his highness, I am sure?" It was enough to get all of them out of the room in seconds.
But now totally alone for the first time in the last forty- eight hours, Gaura let go of the strength she had been holding on to, as fear seeped in. She looked around but she knew her room well. There was no escape except for the window and there were two guards positioned below, so even if she tried to leave from there she would get caught. The time was running away, soon they would come to get her. There was no way she was getting married to him. She hated the sight of him. Baghwant Singh! She would die rather marry that usurper. Rudra! Where are you. Two days she had been looking out of the window waiting for him to come. Two days since she had been caught. Since Baghwant Singh had informed her that they were to be married in two days time.
Damn it! Rudra, where are you? Will you come when it is too late? When I become someone else's wife? She took off the jewellery that she was wearing. Throwing it on to the bed. She wouldn't be here, were it for Daiwat! Damn him! She knew not why he did what he did. They had managed to make a run, her parents and them, but then at the break of dawn they had come upon Daiwat and his men. It was odd now that she thought of it, they were so hostile towards her. They had caught her and while Rudra and Ballu were trying to convince him to let her go, Baghwant Singh's men had come. A fight had started, as Gaura tried to get her parents away from there. Somehow she had managed to convince Surya and Chandrika to take a badly injured Parth and her parents to safety. She had entered the foray with everyone confused about whom to fight and whom to defend. She kept Bhagwant Singh's men from following her parents but the ensuing incidences led to her being arrested by them. And here she was two days later all decked up for slaughter.
She was standing near the window when she was startled by the stone flying past her. It barely missed her ears, but the swishing sound almost scared her ears. It flew into some of the articles lying on the table. They fell noisily on to the floor. She looked at the door, hoping they hadn't heard. Taking a breath of relief, as the door stayed shut, she turned to look at the window. She just about missed the second one sailing in. Walking to the side, she looked down. Her palm came to her mouth, as her laughter almost escaped her lips. Rudra Ballu and Sati were standing below next to the bodies of the guards who had been guarding the wall. He looked so handsome standing there, his feet wide apart, his hands on his waist and a huge grin on his face. She wished she could fly down and kiss him. Oh! Enough of this meandering hurry Gaura you have to escape.
Tearing the sheets covering the bed she knitted them into a long rope. Tying one end to the iron rung in the window she threw it down. She could hear sounds outside. How much more time she had she knew not, without wasting more time she climbed over the window and let herself down.
Rudra's heart was in his mouth, his heart thumping loudly in his chest as he waited for Gaura to come down. He could see her slipping but she somehow managed to hold on. He stood directly below her his arms wide open, till a few minutes late he held her tightly in them.
"I am not letting you go anywhere now." He threatened.
"I am not going anywhere." She promised a wide smile on her face.
"I love you." His feeling showing in his eyes.
"I love you too." She couldn't take her eyes away from him.
"My princess we can do this later. We need to leave now." Gaura turned at that statement. Sati stood there a pleading apologetic look on her face. She was right now was not the place. Rudra put her down. Taking the shawl sati was offering she covered herself. She was bursting with questions but now was not the time.
"Let's go." She nodded as Rudra held her hand and they moved forward together.

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