Chapter four./ Cant take my eyes off him

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"I realized I was thinking of you, and I began to wonder how long you'd been on my mind. Then it occurred to me: Since I met you, you've never left." — Unknown

The sound of someone moving near her woke Gaura. Who could it be? It was too early in the morning, for anyone to be up and about as yet. It was still dark outside. She lay still for a while, tensed, then slowly opening her eyes she turned her face without turning herself and looked around. The wheel of the cart affording her the perfect screen to see but not be seen. Sleeping under the cart did have its benefits. Recognising the tall lean figure, standing just a few feet from her, she immediately relaxed. It was Rudra!!! She moved slowing, trying not do anything which would attract his attention. Now lying on her stomach she leaned on her elbows, watching as he stood up and walked over to his friend Ballu, and woke him up! He said something to Ballu, who nodded in reply. Why was he up so early? By the looks of it they were preparing to go somewhere. Now that was odd! They both quietly walked out of the cave.

She had seen him at the temple, yesterday when she and Sangini had gone to pray at the Shiva temple, in Paliyana. Baba had said that he was going to meet someone and he had seemed hesitant talking about that person. Seeing his pleading  eyes, she had offered to take Sangini  out to show her the city. Then Baba had told them about the  beautiful Shiva temple. She was a Shiva bhakta, Shiva her Ishtadev and at home she went to the Shiva temple everyday early in the morning. So she had led Sangini out before she could start her bombardment of questions. He had been standing inside the temple when they had entered. A sight to set any girl's heart racing. She had been struck by the looks of him. He was one of the most handsome man that she had come across. The way he had been standing there inside the temple, he had stolen her breath. She had stood there spell bound looking at him, till Sangini had pulled her forward, she had shyly averted her eyes, when she had crossed him. Her heart fluttering like that of a young girls. She had almost stopped herself from giggling like one!!! Absurd, for she never ever giggled. After completing her prayers she had turned hopefully, her eyes looking to the very spot that he had been standing in, ahhhhh.........only to find him gone, she had felt an odd ache deep inside. She had hoped that he would still be standing there.

But later on she had gotten the surprise of her life when she saw him come running towards her.....well! not her exactly......her heart had skipped a beat when, she had seen him running after the marauders, the very marauders who were standing near to where they were hiding. His hand raised high in the air, the sword red with blood, his eyes bloodshot, his face stiff with anger, his lips drawn into a tight line, he had seemed like a god come down to earth to kill the Asuras. How had it come to be, that he of all the men in the entire city, had come chasing the very ones that Baba, Sangini and she were perilously in danger from. He had attacked the marauders without a moments hesitation. His skill with the weapon more than evident. He was an admirable warrior and brave too. He had not realised that the three of them were hiding behind the bushes just next to him. When he had attacked the marauders so bravely, her heart had been tightly squeezed with fear for him. And then the moment she had seen them cornering him, she had been unable to stop herself from going to him, from helping him fend off the marauders. What was it about him that brought out such strong feelings in her. Since childhood she had been surrounded by extremely good looking strong capable men, so good looks and physical strength could hardly be it. None of the men she had met before had even caught her attention let alone such an intense attraction . When in danger all her protective instincts had risen and she had not been  able to think of anything but helping him. When the marauders had made a run for safety, he too had followed after them, unwilling to let them off so easily. When she saw that he had help now, she had been reluctant to go back into hiding, but Baba's call had grudgingly made her turn back and she had watched him come back, in the nick of time. She could see him looking around for her, her heart had felt gladdened. She knew that he did not know who she was. She could have been anybody for him, but she was glad she had been able to help him. When he had been unable to find her, he had turned majestically to go back to his friends who had come looking for him. They had stood there talking for a few minutes before they had turned to go back to the inn. Afterwards when Baba and she were treating the injured, she had seen how selflessly he was helping out anyone who needed help. He and his men they were good hardworking men, who by their very act of bravery had won over her respect and gratitude.

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