Twenty eight / true love wins

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Every time I see you
I fall in love with you...again....
It is love ......
That describes us
It is love....
That is you and me
To feel our love
Makes us complete......

Sometime later.....
The hall seemed fuller than before, it looked as though more people had come in the interim. Rudra held on firmly to Gaura's palm as she sat there next to him. Her father and mother had also arrived by now. There was loud chattering going on, everyone had something to discuss. Suketu was standing with Sambhava, glaring at Satya. Satya was standing next to Surya, who kept smiling down at her. She too seemed unable to take her eyes off him. The loud beating of the drums brought the hall to a silence as the council members and Chief Aare arrived from their private discussion.
"This I think has come as a shock to all of us but there is no doubt about the fact that Sambhava attacked lady Gaura and the council has taken a decision on that.  But before the decision can be announced we need to address the other allegation since they seem intermingled. And now coming to the other matter..." he looked disappointedly at Rudra....." it is a internal matter and as such I would have preferred to discuss it at home....But since the entire matter is interlinked, we shall have to do it here. And since I am directly involved, I leave the final decision to the council." Seeing their nod of approval, he continued.... "What! cannot be denied is that I am Rudra's father and as is my right, I had fixed his alliance with Sambhava and it was to be officially announced, when Rudra left his duties to go after you. I gave Suketu my words." Chief  Aare looked glaringly at them, not understanding this silly infatuation.
"But father, Gaura and I fell in love before you gave your word. Sambhava knew that, she knew that I wanted to marry Gaura. I don't know how but she came to know that we were madly in love and she made her father come to you."
"But still nothing was declared between the two, where as you gave your word Chief Aare." Suketu wasn't going to let this go.
"You have no right over him, he is mine!" Sambhava yelled.
"I have every right, he is my HUSBAND!" The word were enough to create pin drop silence in the hall. Suddenly a loud screeching jarred the hall, as it was treated to an unseen sight. Sambhava like a banshee charged at Gaura, but this time Rudra was there before Sambhava could hurt Gaura. He held her as she screamed and yelled as though possessed. Ballu came forward quickly restraining her, as two soldiers helped him take her away. Rudra seeing Gaura wobbling from pain and tiredness, held on to her, helping her sit back on her seat.
"I think we can continue without the presence of Sambhava." After sometime, once they could manage to get some control, of the situation, the court was started again. Chief Aare was still in shock at all that had happened during the last one hour, and now this. He was staring to question his
"Chief Aare if I may, we all have heard about Sambhava's side of the story, whereas Gaura has only brought forth proof against some of those allegations, but that is not all. This is only part of what Gaura and I went through." Rudra  stepped in, happy to see that witch go. "We too have allegations against Suketu, allegations of treason against him. As security chief, the safety of my people is my responsibility and what has transpired in these last few days has got me vary. Because of someone, the safety of Kundalgad was at risk."
"What is this that I am hearing?" He looked at Rudra, anger filled his voice. He was confused, safety of Kundalgad at risk! and he was totally unaware of it all.
"Chief Aare if I may, you need to know the whole story, to understand all that happened. I was going to tell you all on your return but, Gaura was attacked and we just weren't able to talk." Kaka knew he had to calm Aare down. Best he heard the story from him. Chief Aare was still reeling under the shock of all that had just happened, but Vishnu was right he needed to know everything, from the beginning. And he knew Vishnu would not lie, he believed in him....
"As you know the last trip that we made to Paliyana, to trade, I met Nanad Dev and his daughters there and he came to me for help?" Chief Aare nodded he did. "There too Rudra and Gaura met and fell in love with each other. We came to Kundalgad and here with your permission Vaidyaraj and his family settled down. Everyone knows what all Gaura did for Kundalgad. The time that they spent with each other they fell more deeply for each other. Rudra asked Gaura to marry him, and the very day that the pigeon courier came, that very morning they gave their promise to each other in the Shiva temple. The pandit was there along with Ballu, and in front of them the vows were made. At that time Rudra did not know what you had in mind for him, nobody knew it. They did not plan to hide their love for each other. They wanted all our blessings. Anyway they had just stepped out of the temple, when Gaura received the courier, and she came rushing to you." Kaka paused for breath, Chief Aare nodded as Kaka continued. Here in this very hall you gave her the courier message and  she realised that she finally had got the news that she had been waiting for. The news of the where about of her parents." Kaka again paused, but briefly, he could see he had everyone's attention. He was loving this, he loved tell a story. " the message was coded. But she knew what it meant, she immediately asked leave of you, because she knew she would have to go in search of her parents. But just when you were leaving you shared a news with her. Gaura after hearing that you were going to announce Rudra's engagement to Sambhava, with out telling Rudra anything left, because she knew that if she told Rudra that she was leaving he would follow her. She sought your permission to leave with Ballu, Chief Aare." He looked at the Chief who nodded his head. He knew his son he did not need to question what was being said.
Vaidyaraj and I called Ballu that night and informed him that he was to leave the next morning before dawn with Gaura. Keeping everyone's safety in mind, we did not tell anyone the whole truth. Gaura did not tell Rudra either. She did not want to put his life in danger and this brave girl left all of us in the folds of safety and went all alone to face the dangers that were waiting for her in Abhaneri. But true love will never stop in front of mere obstacles, Rudra came to know somehow, that Gaura was leaving and he followed her. He for the very first time in his life was following his heart and doing something for himself. He found Gaura and made a vow in front of her that he would only return when she had her parents along with her. They reached Abhaneri and somehow got through into the city and managed to rescue the Rana and Rani Rukmani. As they were fleeing they came upon Daiwat, who was their friend. They did not wonder at the presence of Daiwat there outside Abhaneri, at that time. They just saw a friend and thought he would help them. But Daiwat turned on them and handed Gaura over to the Abhaneri soldiers. They still gave Daiwat a chance, and sent the injured and the Ranaji and Ranisa with him. At the risk to their lives they again rescued Gaura and fled somehow, god knows how! But with great difficulty and risk to their lives they managed to reach Sirsa. There they met with the rest of the party, but Daiwat and his men were missing. They left Sirsa with some reinforcements and them at the meadow what do you think happens." They all knew that something big had happened but no one besides the chief knew what all had happened. "They were attacked by a general of Abhaneri!" A surge of surprise ran in the crowd present there. The noise was deafening......Vishnu indicated to the bell ringer in the corner, who nodded and rang the bell till all present quietened.....
"Yes! Even I was shocked when I heard this the middle of such a dense jungle, where it is impossible to even know which direction one is standing in, in the most secluded place that is there our people were AMBUSHED!! it makes one wonder how they reached there and how did they know to attack from the spot that they did from....." Kaka let his words sink in. Daiwat's face twisted with raw emotions, he knew his time had come, he had to clear all. He had been silently standing there and listening to all that had conspired. He had realised what a fool he was, how his uncle had played on his emotions. He had always know how cunning his uncle was, but he, had still least...wished....He had watched Rudra and Gaura as they had travelled back to Kundalgad. Even that night after the attack, he had come upon them, in each other's arms, during the look out. There was no denying that the two loved each other and they were definitely not trying to hide it. Rudra was very vocal about his feelings and his commitment to lady Gaura. He was constantly by her side since the attack. This was the Rudra he knew, the one he he admired. He had since childhood seen Rudra, be the first one to help any in crisis, always willing to do any work around the village. He did not recognise the Rudra his uncle had projected. Today, when he heard both the sides of the story he couldn't help but wonder if he had been played on by his uncle. Had uncle Suketu told him lies to get him to do what he wanted. He couldn't believe he was such a poor judge of character that he had without questioning what he had been told, simply jumped to conclusion and run of after Rudra. Putting Lady Gaura's, his own people's life in danger. Not even thinking what extremes he was going to. The death of so many lives was on him.
"Then just when our men were on the verge of losing the battle.... Daiwat and his men come, to make us win. I ask you all don't you all find this suspicious. How did Daiwat come to be in Abhaneri, what was he doing there? Maybe Daiwat has something to tell you all."
Chief Aare couldn't believe that things could worsen more than they already had. Suketu was now shivering, he could see things slipping from his hands. Rudra stepped forward. He looked at the council members and them at his father.
"You all have heard all that transpired during these last few days. Most of you are finding it hard to believe that these event even happened. Maybe for that reason I would like to call some one whom I think you all should hear." He them turned to a figure
"Daiwat, why don't you tell us all. I know you are an honourable man, not like your uncle. You need to come clean." Rudra prompted Daiwat.
"I am sorry Rudra, I should have come to you and questioned you, but at that time I was only thinking of my sister and her honour." He proudly stood there before all, eyes wet as he confessed to all. "When my uncle called and told me that Gaura had run away with Rudra. He convinced me that Sambhava had been dishonoured by Rudra, and instead of standing next to her  he had run off irresponsibly. I, at that time did not question what my uncle or my cousin were saying and I ran after Rudra. I in a bid to get Rudra back home put the lady Gaura's life at risk. I then stupidly in a last bid to get rid of her, led the Abhaneri soldiers into the meadow, thinking that with their large force Rudra wouldn't be able to do much. He would have to give Gaura up to the Abhaneri General. I did not think that they would fight. The moment I realised that they were losing and in grave danger I immediately rushed to their side. I am sorry lady Gaura I am at fault, I should have known better. Chief Aare I put the safety of all my peoplek at risk. I am ready for whatever punishment you deem fit, but please don't punish my men. They knew nothing about all that was happening. They were simply following my orders."
"You mean to say that your uncle and Sambhava lied to you." Rudra asked.
"Yes! They said that Rudra had made Sambhava pregnant and then run off with lady Gaura." How could he have even believed such blatant lie. He knew Rudra very well, he knew that Rudra would never behave so irresponsibly.
"What!" Chief Aare stood up towering with rage. Suketu stood trembling there. Aare wondered what other lies that man had been feeding him, and he was going to wed such a man's daughter to his honourable son!

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