Twenty one/ in search of my mother

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I want to tell you of
A feeling so true
That you, are with me
every moment in everything I do
I'll always think of you
The time we have spent
The things we have shared
You and me together
The truest emotions that could be
I'd do it all over again,
Relive all if I have to
Each and every moment
Each and every emotion
Only because I love you
Only because I truly deeply love ..............

The soft knock, followed by the call of the myna bird, alerted them. Gaura went and open the door. Chandrika and Surya were standing there. She let them in.
"Where is Parth? And what about Ballu?"
"Parth, he couldn't get out. And Ballu is with Hariya. They should be here any time now. We have been dodged by Bhagwant's men since we've arrived at Abhaneri. We haven't been able to go anywhere without them on our trail. We would have come in the morning but, we just couldn't. They are up to something. I am sure. Somehow we managed to get away but Parth is stuck."
"Come, let us sit in the baithak ( sitting room) we can sit there and talk."
They all sat down on the chair, looking at each other.
"There are double the normal guards all around. Has something happened?" Gaura asked.
"Chander my cousin, left for Abhaneri yesterday. News is out that they have spotted you there. Chander was deployed with two troops to search you out and to not return without you. Bhagwant is getting desperate." Surya looked worried.
"Yes!! even my neighbour, his wife was cribbing that her husband has been put on alert duty. He hasn't returned home since the last two day...."
Suddenly Rudra got up. A finger to his mouth he looked at all of them....something was not right. He quietly walked up to the door, they all silently followed him. He put his ears to the door..... moving behind the door he slowly opened it, and looked out.
His sudden ease got them curious. To all their relief a few mins later, Ballu and Harichandra entered the room.
His eyes went straight to Rudra, then to Gaura. Rudra was smiling looking very happy. Gaura was glowing. Hmmnnn all seemed fine in the land of love. These two had managed to resolve their issues it seemed. Rudra hugged Ballu in greetings, glad to see his friend safe and sound with him. Gaura came over and happily greeted Ballu.
"Good to see you safe. Ballu!! I was really worried. Well! Don't just stand there. Is everything alright. Did anything unusual happen?"
"Yes! Yes! Gaura don't worry." He gave her an indulgent smile, like what an elder brother would give to his dearest younger sister.) "All is fine."
"We gave Ballu Harichandra's address, before we reached the city. In case we got separated he could then always find his way to Hari. And  we also briefed him about what to do. " Chandrika looked at Ballu while she spoke. Her eyes were shining. A wide smile lit her face. Gaura looked a Chandrika with interest. this was the way the wind was blowing. Who would have thought...Ballu and Chandrika...they couldn't take their eyes away from each other. 
"Yes! There were so many guards stationed through out the outer road that led to the city and even at the main gate, there was a lot of checking."  Surya chipped in.
"Some of the guards started trailing us once we entered the city.  They just twouldn't let us out of their sights. There are guards outside our houses too." Chandrika spoke in. " I thankfully had paired up with Ballu." She blushed as she said that. Gaura couldn't believe her eyes. Chandrika blushing?  "So Once we reached home I sent him with my brother to Harichandra's house." Chandrika said. "I knew they weren't following my brother as of yet."
"Well! What do you think of Abhaneri, Ballu?" Rudra asked looking at Ballu with new interest. They chatted for a few minutes more.
"Enough of the chatting, we need to get down to the important matters. Harichandra what news do you have of my mother?" Gaura asked.
"Rajkumariji * ! I have had one of our spies following Banwari Singh. One of his servants. A maid of his wife she is loyal to us."
"Banwari Singh!"
"Ji Rajkumari Ji ! He is Bhagwant Singh's right hand man. He only escorted the king and queen."
"The maid, can she be trusted?"
"Yes, my princess. She will die before she gives up on us. You saved her family. They would have died for sure, you remember the family that had been infected with the small pox. The people out of fear and f an epidemic, were going to kill them,  but you had taken matters into your own hand and you not only treated them, but saved their lives and got them work afterwards so they wouldn't starve. This maid she is one of them."
"Ahhh! Of course, Sati."
"Yes Hukum! It is Sati. I told her to infiltrate into Banwari's household. She has been keeping us updated with what all is happening. I had told her to let me know as soon as possible if there was any news of the Queen. And two and half weeks ago she came and told me that she might have some news for us. She heard Banwari talking with his lieutenants and they were talking about the king and queen."
Rudra couldn't help being fascinated by the way the people here felt for Gaura. How did she manage to command such undying loyalty and respect. Whom ever he met loved and respected her. She was indeed an amazing woman, his Gaura.
"Tell me quickly Harichandra, what did they say?" Gaura asked eagerly.
"Hukum, they were talking about the king and the queen. They are here in the palace. We weren't sure where exactly. And since the take over the security has been very tight. We haven't been able to move about freely. So getting any information has been extremely difficult. So the moment we came to know that both the king and queen were alive and here in Abhaneri we sent for you."
"I have more news for you my princess. I met his highness the king and her highness the queen. ( he nodded in confirmation when Gaura looked at him in surprise) It so happened that shortly after we sent for you, two guards came to the clinic. They said it was urgent and I was to follow them. They took  me to the palace. Later I came to know  that the king fell sick. It so happened ( Harichandra looked around at his audience and sure enough he had their full attention, his face rising higher with importance he continued) since the Vaidyaraj is the royal doctor, the guards were sent to our clinic, to fetch him. Now as you know that when he is not there I run the clinic so since he was not available they told me to come. They did not tell me anything but blindfolded me and took me to the palace. There I saw the king and the queen with my own two eyes."
"Do you know exactly where they have been kept." Gaura could hear the tremble in her voice.
"Unfortunately no my princess! Not exactly." He looked so forlorn as though he had totally let Gaura down.
"Can you tell me all that you remember, about the way they took you? Gaura asked.
"I was blindfolded" he hated that he was not able to help the princess more.
"Hari don't worry, just tell me all that happened."
"They, uhmm the guards the...they took me till the east wing. We crossed the main palace and came to the garden. Then when we were standing in front of the east wing, that's the guest palace ( he looked at Rudra )  they tied a blind in front of my eyes. When they untied my eyes I was in the room with the queen." He looked miserable.
"Now tell me did you go straight into the building?"
"No! They turned me around twice and then held my arms and guided me"
"Do you remember how long you walked?"
Just a few steps....( he paused suddenly he looked up at Gaura...) then I climbed four steps."
They both looked at each other and smiled.
"So they took you into the guest palace! The rang mahal! From where you started blind fold, that seems the most likely place. Then..tell me..what more do you remember?"
" I remember taking turns,"   He felt better knowing that he was able to help his princess.
"Did you climb up the stairs?"
"No! I definitely did not climb any stairs. They kept opening and closing door. At times I could feel the air on my face.
Gaura quickly asked him a few more question.........
"Then I think I  know which room they took you to."
"Which my princess?" Hari Chandra asked but the question was there on everyone's face. They all wanted to know the answer.
" I think The guards took you to the corner room. That is the only room which matches the description that you you have given. It is the only room in the Rang Mahal which does not have an outlandish decor! They are being kept imprisoned there for sure."
"I cannot verify this information unfortunately my Rajkumari, since I don't know the palace too well."
"Tell me further what happened after they took you to the room. Harichandra." She was looking so desperate.
"Kumarisa!" Addressing Gaura as she was his princess... " As I have told you, they came the two men, and they told me that I was to come with them. On order from the king. Now that upstart has declared himself the king of Abhaneri. So! I took my medicine bag and followed them. They took me to the room, inside the room I found the king lying on the bed and the queen was sitting next to him. She was putting wet cloth on his forehead. I went and quietly examined the king.  The queen told me that he had been running high fever for the last few days." He stopped. All looked at him expectantly...
"Then?" Chandrika asked. Gaura was looking too emotional. Her lips were wobbling.
"I talked with the queen concerning the kings health. And then I gave her a bottle of the tulsi ark. And told her that I will send all the medicines in a short while, and also that I will come tomorrow morning to see his highness. I would have stayed with the king but the guards wouldn't let me sit there. I was told by them to give the medicines and leave. The next day a guard came and said that the king was already much better and I was to give him more medicines for his highness. I need not personally go there. They took the medicines I had prepared and left. I did not know what to do so I made very small batches. Just about enough for two days and I made them come for a few days. They did not again after that and wouldn't reply to my queries either. I even requested them to take me again to check on the king, but they threatened me with dire consequences if I let out the information about the king. That is all I can tell you, your highness. Will we be able to rescue the queen now my princess?" He asked, hope lit his eyes as he spoke.
"I cannot thank you enough Harichandra, this information has really helped. I know now we will be able to get mother away from the prison." Her face turning from left to right as she looked at everyone. Confidence shinning on her face. It will be dangerous but she now had hope that her parents were well and alive and she would be able to rescue them.......

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