Śhot~ 2

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"Neil goes to open the door while avni pretends to sleep on bed by covering blanket untill her shoulders which in turn looked like she was all naked, and now the outside people could easily understand that they both had  s*x last night".But,before Neil opens the door, avni slightly turned to other side of bed as she was constantly battling her lids which could flop their entire plan .

Avni (in mind ): oh  avni! at least act nicely. For God sake please stop your laugh ,dont know after watching Neil with lip marks all over his upper body, I can't stop myself.he is just looking like a lipstick joker.but now you have to control or else police officer will kill you for ruining his plan .(chuckles)

"While avni was in her giggling session, she heard Neil speaking to women so she quietly started to listen their conversation".

Neil ~women conversation :
*here this women  is the one who maintains the brothel.

"Hello mister khanna. How was your steamy night, hope you enjoyed with our rare diamond." women asks huskily while tracing Neil's bare  chest with her fingers.

" off course pretty lady, night was super fun with this girl. Yeah! You can see my body which is now completely filled with her bites and lip marks. I must say, she is too good in bed and you know I really wanted yesterday's night to extend for 48hour's so that I could have explored her more. but alas, it's not possible." he instantly replies in a raspy voice putting his hands on his waist.

Meanwhile (Avni in mind ): "oh man who the shitty head gave him police job". Is it that necessary to show the marks which were actually fake ones.What if she finds them to be fake then everything would be ruined ". Manh!this Neil should get some grey Matter in his head.

"I know mister khanna and I can imagine your hot night .but what's the matter it's 9o'clock you should go from here right but what were you doing until this time. " she questions suspiciously while caressing his face.

"Ya, I wanted to go.. But you know what , I couldn't resist my self after seeing such a sleeping apple beside. So ,we both were having another round but you broke our hot session like a haddi in romance. Neil says with a smirk.

"oh man!  So sorry to disturb. but It's okay ,she is all yours until four days &You can explore her more these days." She whispered in Neil ears by leaning closer to him.

" Haan, you know I must admit your so beautiful women with raspy voice which could attract any one. And I think your much pretty than this girl who is sleeping here. Why don't you go for one night stand." He smirks mischievously.

Avni who is listening their conversation in mind :
what the fuck!. She is beautiful, that too than me. Oh God I would die rather than calling her beautiful. Such a black buffalo she is. And this Neil,how much he is flirting with that animal , I think he loves buffalos. (gritts her teeth)

" khanna saheb... Your so naughty . Yeah I didn't do this work instead I just make these girls ready for horny men's like you. And yeah That sleeping b***h is so lucky to have you."she spats.

Neils blood boiled after listening to her statement. he just wanted to punch her mouth vigorously so that she could not speak such a disgusting words for avni. After a while composing his anger he spoke..

" I think ,I should ready to go from here. You see I have to clean these all lip marks which were given by my apple. It takes a time so.... Can I ?" Neil asks while raising his eyebrows.

" yeah. You can, my young boy  ."women replies while kissing his cheek  and leaves from there.

Neil (in mind) : oh God. Chii ..what the hell ?she kissed me. I think I should clean my face with phenyl or any detergent to remove her nasty touch. Yak!! But his thoughts were interrupted by avni.

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