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Avni's POV

This is my best day in my life, precisely a beautiful memory which I would never forget to cherish in future. Never dreamt, I would marry someone coz who would even talk with a girl who was prostitute by profession. But Today I'm married... I'm married like a normal girl with all rituals. Never in my dreams I thought I would marry a person whom I love from the bottom of my heart. From childhood ,I always believed in fairy tales in which prince always used to save princess but I never knew behind this fairy world their is hell where I got struck for whole two years and I didn't had a slight idea that I would even come out from that tortures but.. It happened. Prince Charming came and saved me , that's my prince Neil. & now we are officially husband &wife. I really don't know how to express my happiness, My joy has no bounds. We freaking married, I'm wife of Neil Now. Never, I thought men would be perfect but Neil proved me wrong he is a "Man of dreams ".

Hot Tears rolled through my cheeks, when I touched my red headline which is pure symbol of our love & marriage , but I immediately wiped my tears off as I really don't want Neil to see my vulnerable state coz I know he hate my tears.
I was thinking about all this but my train of thoughts came to halt by Neil's voice.

"Avni, I think we should leave from here! " Neil said looking at me, he had a peaceful smile on his face.

"Yes, let's go" I replied nodding.

Then, Neil took me towards his car, as a gentleman he opened the door and made me sit in passenger seat. He placed our both warmala's at back seat coz they were too heavy to handle. He knew that!
I smiled at his care.

Later, Neil started his drive his eyes were sometimes on road and sometimes on me or I could precisely say his intense gaze on me. My cheeks flushed red with blush as I couldn't handle his dangerous stares.

"Someone is turning red here, can I know the reason ? " Neil asked concentrating on his drive ,his face had a wide smirk.

"Nothing, it's just.... Just " I blushed again , words weren't forming from my mouth as his gaze directly sent butterflies into my stomach.

"I know, it's new bride wipes I see " Neil winked looking at me & he entwined my hand with his. I smiled placing my head on his shoulder comfortably as I was much tired due to morning incident.
That second I felt some unusual warmth lingering into my body , on one side his hand gave a beautiful assurance of love& care while his shoulder gave me courage that I would live my life as normal. I just smiled wrapping my both hands on his waist. I know, I'm making him uncomfortable for driving but right now I dont care!

"Wifey" Neil whispered.

"Please let me be like this! Please! " I replied snuggling more into him as I know what he was about to ask.

"As you wish, I don't have any problem " Neil said kissing my hairs, I blushed hiding my head into him.


After sometime, we reached our destination that's Neil's apartment, but wait what? It's not the same one which I visited last night.

"Neil, where are we? I mean it's not your apartment right? " I asked him with confusion.

"You will Get to know wifey, wait for sometime " He replied ,he has a smile on his face.

"Fine," I frowned looking outside of window . The thing caught my eye is lavishing building. It was huge and looked most expensive flats in Mumbai. My orbs were just gathering the decorations ,And the most beautiful one is water fountain which is arranged by cozy dim lights.

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