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Hey guys, just wanted to show some realistic events or I can say assaults which were undergoing by some innocent souls .I think now you all might understood why I made those scenes in last chapter. Hope your not dissapointed with last update. All I want is you people should know the depth of this book that's "love &pain ".

Well, this chapter is going to be heartbreak so, sorry in advance!🙈

Enjoy 💜


Author's POV :

Closing her mouth with his bulk palms vidyut forcibly dragged avni towards his car , avni cried kicking her legs with helplessness as she was just a  delicate body infront of muscular beast.

"Neil please see me. Please Neil I'm here only. Please! "avni miffed under the harsh grip as she saw how Neil was running here &there like a insane person yet he could not able to see her.

" I'm strong . For the sake of Neils happiness I should protest against these fifthy men's. It's because if Neil doesn't find me then I know he will die with the guilt of not rescuing me ". Thinking this avni tried to bite vidyut's hand but it couldn't happend as he gripped her mouth tight than earlier that now she started to suffocate with lack of breath.

But avni doesn't want to lose this battle .Neil's words were coming over her brain.  His motivation, his face, His care all made avni to again try. After gaining courage & energy ,avni anyhow kicked her legs straightly towards vidyut's private part. With that he removed his hand from her mouth due to pain . That's it avni shouted like a mad person with all the energy she had.

"NEEEEIILLLLLLL ". Avni shouted sobbing as till now she was under vidyuts grip. He tried to close her mouth but it was invain as she bit his hand.

"NEEEEEEEIIIIIILLLLLLLL".avni again shouted thinking he would listen her this time.

On other side Neil rotted at his place as soon he heard his name being shouted. He quickly understood it was avni as no one knows his name here. but he was unable to understand from which direction it was coming.

"A.. Av.. Avni". Sh...she..is here. But where? Thinking about this he started to search like a mad person running on lanes of mud. But at sudden he stood silent so as to recognize from which side the voice is echoing.

His forehead filled with beads of sweat, his lips trembled as there was pin drop silence . His heart again started to pound faster as there was no shout this time.

"Avni please take my name please".Neil mentally prayed.

He stood there all numb with gun in his hand. Then the thing happened which he wanted. Avni again shouted his name that's it he got his clue from her voice and he started to run in that direction.

"NEIL.. NEIL.. " avni  shouted non stop. vidyut held her by arms grabbing her towards him .but avni didn't stooped her protest now all she wants is to be in embrace of Neil.

Neil's POV :

Today is the day, where my love avni would be realised from that hell. And I'm gonna elope every one. Though her behavior was cold towards me at morning which hurted me more than anything but I couldn't stop myself thinking about her. The only thing that's making me relieve is her promise. I arranged everything for the destruction of brothel and now we attacked that place and we are successful.

But. ..where is avni? 

Did she left the place before I come? This thought just shattered me. Thus I ran towards the girls who were rescued from here but she isn't there too. Then panic Araised in my body, fear crawled to my mind as she wasn't there anywhere In spite of searching whole building . I went backyard of brothel and started to run everywhere in search like a mad person Coz without her my life would be hell. Then after minutes I heard shout of my name and I followed the direction of echo then what I saw next made me shattered. I rooted at that spot, My brain stopped working watching the sight in front .

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