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Do you guys really think I'll end my jaans story abruptly like our naamkarann makers did .No Never!

Not a proof read! Enjoy reading


Author's POV

Soon Avni left from that place as not to burst her heart wrenching emotions out. While Neil was all numb standing on dry mud with emotion less expressions. His face lost all colors , fresh tears streamed down from his cheeks like waterfalls. Till now he couldn't want to believe that avni spilled all those poisonous words on him. He never dreamt that his first love would break their new born relation which is just blossomed like a little bud into the scattering pieces of glass. He wanted her to be his soulmate, his love partner but his dream of living with her soul, sharing her pain, love turned into dreamy fantasy.

"He wanted to give her a beautiful life assuring deep affection but she wasn't ready to give her impure body to one who is just pure like a crystal diamond".

Neil was in devastated state as His brain was only reminding ,how avni accused him as a lusty man who is after her body. He could bear any pain, worry from the life but he couldn't take hatred from avni whom he considered as his love soulmate.
But now He lost himself under her.

"Did she really felt that I'm same like other men ". Just this thought is shattering his Neil's heart like broken beads.

Neverever in his life Neil was this much hurt. Currently his brain stopped working and his body became numb not even supporting to move further. He stood in middle of brown open ground with red eyes not realizing the sun already set leaving the sky with black haze. Slowly the sad ,Hurtfullnes in his eyes turned into furious aggression when her venom hatred disturbed his mind.

Neil's mind thought :
"Such A fool I was thinking avni was beautiful inside &outside. How stupid I was imagining the innocence of heart.Never knew the great ACP Neil khanna will become such a looser in front of a girl. I was never this much hurt but now she made me week. Her words were stabbing me like sharp needle and her every freaking word Is wrong. How could she even speak like that? How could she even exclaim like I'm same as other men?.did she even remember how I took care when she was in pain and how I saved her today from beast. I think not. That is my why she never valued me nor my words.

"she hates me, then why would she keep your promise Neil . I was such a idiot, thinking about her safety ".

That night was passionate one but today she named that night as a lust. That is what breaking me like anything. Why cant she understand I'm in love with her. Why can't she see I care for her . But It's OK its her choice may be she wants freedom from me and I won't disagree her decisions. And now she will leave her life happily that's enough for me.
but my life..I don't know, may be as a bachelor coz I could never give my heart to other girl when my heart beats only for avni. How would I change that when I already scribbled her name with my body. Today my one sided love story came to an end. Thank you God for doing this with me. I'm so thankful that you took every thing which I wanted desperately. But I'll not complain coz I'm good boy. You know!

But it really hurts ! it's OK that's only life. "Where there is love, their will be pain too ".

Thinking all this Neil rooted motionless at the place where his heart broke. His eyes fluffed red with tears brimming down . He was in such a broken state that he hasn't even realised someone is calling him from past ten minutes.

"Sirji... Sirji.." Came dd shout from front .but Neil wasn't in a state that he could listen as his whole body acted numb .

"Sirji... What happened ". Dd again shouted bringing Neil back to senses.

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