Extra chapter | Two

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Avni Neil Khanna

"F*ck me harder Neil.. Faster.. Please ahhhh!" I begged Neil as he rammed his thick length into me hard and fast.

"You're a very bad girl avni..Very Bad girl. You made me crave for freaking two days" he groaned loudly and held my hips in such an angle that with every thrust his entire shaft hit my deepest spot.

"Neil.. An.. Anshu.ahh..she.. . Will... Wak... Wake up.. Ah.. Ah.. " I screamed as his member filled me completely making me aware of how bare he was inside.

"Then don't be loud, baby! " Neil smirked and he again pounded mercilessly.

"Ahh! Shit!  Ah.. I'm.. Ah..coming! " I shouted. I was so close due to his intense penetrations but soon I covered my mouth to muffle my loud moans coz I knew my screams will wake up Anshu.

"Don't cum! " Neil ordered strictly. I felt my breath knocked out as he rammed inside of me with all of his strength.

I held his shoulders to support myself. As Neil was senseless in pounding into me; my whole body jerked with his strength. He was so powerful, restless, desperate with his thrusts each time he entered. Everytime he makes me see stars. I even wonder sometimes how did Neil get this much strength after his stressful work.

After some deep strokes Neil emptied his warm seeds inside of my womb making me feel full from inside.

"That was awesome " Neil brought his lips to lightly kiss the corner of my mouth. I suddenly felt so week. My body still trembled with the intense love making. I was breathing heavy.

"I want to do another round? " Neil asked calmly, he always takes my permission. He doesn't force me with anything. That's what makes me fall in love with him again &again.

But Right now, I can't bare another round as my head pounded so hard and I could barely speak and move. But I don't want to disappoint Neil ,I can't deny his requests. He did alot for me and Anshu. When I was pregnant he took care of me like a queen. He had many sleepless nights coz of my carvings and took my taunts positively.

"Okay !" I mumbled giving him permission to continue further.

Neil without wasting time bent down going between my legs before placing a quick kiss on my both thighs.

Neil spread my legs wide apart. I was naked infront of him  though we had many sessions still  I feel shy.

I looked at him. He was rock hard. Damn! I sighed and closed my eyes to feel stars again.

Soon, I felt pleasure at My entrance as Neil entered me again..but this time slowly. I know he will make slow and passionate love.

"Oh God!  I moaned as his pace slightly quickened. he is keeping deep and effective storkes drilling me with his member.

"You feel so good avni! " Neil moaned loud. His moans are turn on for me.

Midway through his thrusts I felt something weird in my stomach. I felt nauseous all of sudden. My head felt so heavy. And I could feel bile juice in my throat.

I didn't knew what's happening, I feel like to vomit.

"NEIL.. STOP... PLEASE... . "I shouted loudly , because I knew I was going to throw up on Neil.

Neil actions immediately ceased. He looked at me widened.

"Avi..what happened? " Neil panicked and took his member out of my core.

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