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Don't kill me for this.

Well ,I've ended this book due to some reasons. Whatever I said in last chapter is just I was upset with ending of book that's it. I've planned this ending starting of this book itself  and I don't want to extend more making story to loose it's essence. This is short story and this is meant to end like this only ❤✨.

So, please read this final chapter with smiley face as this is going to be emotional, funny ,romantic ..

please comment your thoughts coz this is at least I expect you know in last chappy.

Be happy and smile now please. For me... 😀


5 years Later.... Miami ,Florida.

Avni's POV -

"Anshu, Ansh...Please Don't go towards the sea shore. Play safe..! " I shouted loudly sitting below an beach umbrella as I watched my two kids playing in sand abit away from me. As today is  weekend Neil insisted us to enjoy the day in Miami beach,  thus we are here. It's afternoon and sunny day Neil went to bring ice-creams leaving me here alone to guard our two devil's like a watchman.

"Maa, tell this to your ladla ansh. He is just annoying! " Anshu screamed back with hint of irritation. " He's ruining my sand castle huff. " she huffs, giving a death glare to her four year old little brother ansh.

I then kneely observed only to witness They both were making sand castle's. Anshu is making big one while, ansh he is trying to helping her big sister with it.

"Didi...Let me help you please.. " Ansh tried to put his hand in her castle but she jerked his hand away, indicating not to touch her thing's.

"Just like her dad! Possessive about her things "

"What Didi huh? Make yourself of your own!" Anshu rolled her eyes ,clearly indicating him not to disturb her work.

"Mumma... See Didi is chiding me " Ansh came to me running. His fair white skin has turned red, his nose is running.

Oh God! My ansh is crying.

"Mumma.. Didi is saying she.. will tell..dad.. and I know he will take her side. " he hicupps crying.

I frowned deeply.

"Shh!  Ansh baby don't cry. Don't cry." I wiped his tears stained cheeks with my thumb.

"I'm here na. Your dad is nothing in front of me. " I said , hugging ansh side ways. Indeed Neil has become so partial, though he loves his both children equally, yet he listens to Anshu so much. She is dad's princess.

"Mumma I love you. " Ansh kisseed on my cheek. In return I smiled and ruffled his black hairs. Then I diverted my gaze towards Anshu who's still making her sand castle completely shrugging his baby brother's cries.

"Anshu, come here" I screamed.

"Mom is it necessary? " she replied, peeking out behind her handmade castle.

"If you won't come then be ready for punishment. " I warned with stern tone.

"Okay. Coming " She huffed and came running to me. Her long platinum blonde hair swirled due to the blowing wind. Indeed, She has grown up into beautiful girl. Though she is just six but she doesn't look like the one.

"What ma! For God sake why does Ansh cry everytime  and makes me bad in front you? " she whined glaring at Ansh who stick his tongue out making fun of her situation.

Her Darkest Secret ✓ [ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now