Śhot ~8

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Avni's POV

After completing deep slumber without having any torture & agony I awoke to soft sheets, as the morning light continuously tickled on my face through the transparent windows of room. My swollen sleepy eyes were still shut as I soaked in the warmth of silk covers before letting my black eyes see the sun's rays that's peeping inside.

Slowly, I rubbed at my puffy eyes with bruised palms, yawning gently coz waking up at morning is not a painful for me as now I'm free from the horrific hell & darkest nights.

I scoffed, rolling over in the soft purple sheets as again sunlight hissed at my face. My bright black hairs were scattered across the pillow like a mess , and every breath I exhaled ,inhaled is echoing throughout the room as it was pin drop silence except the sound of cool breeze that's blowing from Air conditioner. Then reality dawned at my face.

I woke up with jolt remembering the yesterday's incidents. The way I have been rescued ,the way Neil took care of me yesterday & how I end up sleeping here, at Neil's house.

Getting up slowly from bed, I scanned the whole bed room, washroom but I couldn't find Neil anywhere.

"Where is Neil? " my mind questioned.

Before I leave to find him in this big double bedroom flat ,I noticed balcony which was beautifully decorated by green plants with two swinging chairs which were hanged to ceiling . I walked slowly towards the balcony only to witness the beautiful scenery In front.

HoGod! "It was beach".

My eyes twinkled brightly as this was the first time in my life I'm witnessing beach. The sun rose like a little flower scattering the orange hue Sunrays all-around . The sound of baby waves that's hitting rocks is just music to my ears .

"Beautiful " is the only word I could speak as waking up to see these type of scenery just gives you a hope to live & it peaces your mind .

"How lucky Neil would be as every day he wakes up to sees this!" I thought.

I closed my eyes feeling the cool breeze on my sleepy skin which was blended with hot sunrays. The sound of birds chirping is not at all doing good to me. My arms automatically opened wide allowing the natural air to engulf with my body. Right then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

For me It didn't took a second to recognize who is that. It was Neil My saviour, my hero.

My lips automatically curved to broad smile & I turned back only to witness hot muscular man in front .I ....I... ..me..mean.. Ne..il!

I think yesterday night I failed to notice something that He looked extreme sexy in simple blue T-shirt & trousers. I couldnt stop myself ogling shamelessly at him from tip to toe.

"Freak! What's happening to me? "

His face glowed like a yellow bulb as sunlight directly plunged onto his face. He had a beautiful ever charming smile which could bring smile at everyone's face& his white -pink complexion is just making me jealous.

"How could someone be look like white chocolate I just wanna eat him up right here ". Ugh avni stop thinking like that my mind chided.

I was in my serious work that is checking him out ,But my Chain of thoughts came to halt when I felt gentle pat on my shoulders.

I paused a bit then realized what I was doing. My cheeks flushed crimson red . I tried to escape situation anyways. But my bad luck Neil caught me staring.

" I think someone is blushing here " Neil spoke taunting I tried my best to avoid looking at him.

"Miss tomato good morning " . he wished. I immediately looked at him with amused expression.

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