Śhot ~ 3

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You have been warned, chapter contains  mature stuff & some disturbing scenes .so please read at your own risk.
Chapter is going to be so long😉.do vote &comment.
Enjoy reading 🖤...


Neil's Pov :

It's been hours that I left avni,again in that hell.  I badly wanted to bring her out from that four white walls but i know it will only lead to many problems. Now, I'm in my cabin but my mind & my blood pumping organ are only revolving around avni and her memories like a earth rotates around sun.The moments that I have spent with avni are just making my cheeks heat with the color of rosy red and I couldn't stop myself blushing .ohh God! Neil what's happening? I chuckled at my own thought. Avni is making me insane with her cute ,bubbly actics and off course her hotness too making me go mad. I smiled thinking about her features.
But, I'm feeling so guilt for yelling .I really scared hell out of her. How could I do that? How could I forget she has been suffered alot these years . Nevertheless, I punished dd for his dirty deed. How would I even react when he sent me those type of things. What if avni sees that then what she will think of me. These all things made me to yell on her.  I punished dd for his deeds, that is I stopped my Maid to come as now dd will be my personal worker a home. i smriked evilly. He deserves this for making avni cry.

"Avni", she is a symbol of beauty. Her rosy smell, her glowing white skin. I could only know how much I have controlled myself for not looking towards her navel which was completely visible through her transparent Saree. .
I fukin controlled my manly hormones to not to touch her. Ho manh! How I wished my stupid hormones to stop working when I was with her.Alas, they worked even more faster than usual but I controlled my urge coz its not a time to do all this.

"My apple". How much she has suffered in such a small age, like seriously she didn't ate anything for five whole days and she even didn't bothered to tell me. At least now I'm her friend right!! Yet, I could only imagine how brutally people used to rape her without even giving food. How could someone be so inhuman? Like how?  Fresh tears rolled through my eyes while thinking about her all pains. I just want to swallow  all her agonies which she is carrying beneath her heart .
I swear ....i swear ,I'm not gonna leave those bastards, They aren't going to die in much easier way. I'm gonna torture them to hell  in jail like the way they did with Avni &  I assure that.

Thinking all this, I glanced on clock. Fuck! It's 6o'clock .I have to leave now. Quickly, I went to my flat , changed my clothes and heeded towards her but not before buying chocolates and cakes. After good 30minutes I reached that place and my heart again rose
With beautiful smile as now I could spend my time with her. Later I slowly walked inside towards her room. But I prepared my self ready to handle her soft body on mine as I know she is gonna hug me tight when I enter room. A tint of red blush appeared on my cheeks.

Imagining about beautiful scene I opened door ,thinking she would be on mine , but I didn't get any sort of weight on me. I wondered.

Then, I saw her sitting at edge of bed. She was wrapped in a pink -grey colored Saree with cold shoulder blouse indeed she looked like a delicate petal. But what made me confuse is why she is like that. Yesterday , she was missing me much ,and now what happened. Many unusual thoughts twirled in my mind. While thinking all this I walked towards her.

"Hey apple what's up! ". I spoke cheerfully sitting beside her. But, she didn't respond to my words, looked like she didn't heard me. How so?

"AVNI". This time I shouted while she turned her face towards me.

"Neil" kab ayae tum? (when did you came ). She asked me in a calm tone and I was stunned at her question. I'm here from past 10 minutes and she is asking when did I came. like seriously?

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