Śhot ~ 14

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*Nervously waves behind a door*

Well, My internals are over so I'm here tadddda.... :)) . really sorry for late update. I hope you all remember the story. Anyways inline comments are lub ♥.


"That's enough Avni , I'm breaking the door" I shouted as I crash the black wooden door using all of my force.

My eyes wandered every corner of the room as soon as I made my way in, but she wasn't in sight.

I ran my hands through my hair as frustration and anger took troll of my body.

"God dammit! Where the hell is she? "

My heart started to thump hard as soon as I heard the loud sound of   water dripping inside of the bathroom. Panic crawled through out my body as some sort of dangerous thoughts invade their way into my mind.

"No....no.. No.. . My avni is strong.. She won't do anything stupid " My heart screamed sending some positive vibes inside of my brain.

With out second waste, I ran towards bathroom only to witness something horrific. My eyes widened with shock & fear.

My hands reached towards my mouth ,only to shut the panic scream been letting out.

Avni was unconscious. Her body layed on the bathroom floor like a dead corpse. Water dripped from the sink made its way towards her petite frame, drenching her with coldness.

I felt my body go numb as I couldn't  move even an inch infornt. But soon realisation hit me.

"Avni.. " I shouted, as I ran towards her with my trembling body.

"Avni...Wake up.. Jaan.. Wake up " I cried out, tapping her pale cheeks.but I didn't heard any response from her side which made my body burst out with fear.

I took her body in my lap. My hands shivered as soon as I felt her cold figure touch my warm skin.

"Avi.. Please jannu don't scare me like this " I muttered, scooping her fragile body in my arms ,Protectively.

Walking out of bathroom, I gently layed her down to  bed. Her face turned pale, lips quivered with chillness. Immediately, I took hold of her chilled palms with mine and rubbed them to produce the warmth.

"Avi.. Open your eyes... Please " I practically begged, tears poured out from my eyes like a stream.

I looked at her hoping she would open her orbs but she didn't.

I wiped the beaded sweat off my forehead harshly before peeling her drenched clothes out her body.  I made her wear loose top and shorts. And covered her with blanket to produce a little heat.

Minutes later, I called doctor to come and check on her.

"Is shee..okay..doctor? " she.. just suddenly fainted. I shuttered. My eyes held an unknown fear.

"She is okay Mr. Neil. I believe she fainted of weakness. I think your wife has been stressing about something & skipping her meals. So, be careful Mr. Khanna make sure your wife won't take more stress. I have prescribed some medicines give it to her . I'll take leave now ".

"Thanks doctor." I Replied as he left.

After hearing doctor, I felt something huge lifted out of my heart. I could conclude she is safe. I walked towards the bed where avni has been resting.

I took a long breath before I sat beside her.i  really don't know what's happening in our lives. There's alot of things that me and avni had to talk. That day I shouldn't have hid that thing with her. It's all my fault that avni is in this condition.

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