Śhot ~7

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"Neil moves his head closer to avni while She stands frozen clenching her Saree more tight , from both fear & excitement".

Seeing her nervousness, Neil leaned in a little closer, and joined their heads so that his forehead rests against hers. Their eyes were closed & breaths became ubnormal as some sort of sexual tension started to built up between two. There was beautiful silence all along until Avni started to speak.

"Thank you Neil ," she says in barely more than a whisper.

"For what? Avni " He replies, his voice was uneven .

"There are more than thousands reasons for which I'm thankful to you ". She says in exhilarated voice from the tension between them.

"Say any one of them. I would love to hear praises from your mouth avni ". Neil replies mischievously planting a feathery kisses on her both eyes which were already closed due to nervousness .

"Self obsessed officer". Avni mumbled under her breath.

"I heard that ". Neil says kissing the tip of her sharp nose which instantly turned red.

"Then, I'm not gonna say anything ". She replies , Her voice was low.

"You have too ". he said huskily rubbing her bare waist sensuously earning a small gasp from Avni's mouth.

Neil smirked evilly leaning downwards from her nose and he was about to seal her soft lips for a kiss but his serious work was disturbed by someone's phone call.

Both parted away nervously listening to the loud ringtone of Neil's phone.

**Tarki log kaise ho😂😝**

Neil groaned with frustration while avni came out from his grip &she stood aside blushing as she realized how they both drowned into the world of intimacy though it was disturbed.

"Who the hell is calling me now? I swear I'm not gonna leave those who spoiled my blissful moment".Neil cursed them under his breath while avni flushed red listening to his small murmurs.

Then Neil saw caller ID, automatically his face formed a "I-will-kill-you" expression.

"Sirji..... Where are you? I was hell worried as you didn't answered my calls from last 10 minutes ". Dd said concerned while Neil gritted his teeth with irritation .

"Dd ke bache. First thing I'm fine here . But ,you know what's the second thing" .Neil asked sarcastically.

" Neil sir, How would I know your thoughts ,aphi batao ". Dd laughs not realizing the situation Neil faced coz of him.

"The second thing is you're not going to be fine because in tomorrow's paper their would be your death news as today I'm gonna kill you . Neil says annoyed.

"what?, sirji.....kiyuuuuu".dd asked amused.

"Stop calling me until tomorrow as I'm pretty busy. "Gadha kahika ". Neil shouted cutting the call before dd replies.

After ending phone . Neil turned to see avni who is lost in her own thoughts. he went near and placed his hand on her shoulders. Sensing Neils touch Avni's lips curved broadly.

"Mmm.. Avni.. I think We should go from here ". Neil said looking at her.

"But where?". Avni asked clueless.

"Hmm.. To.. my.. house ". He said after taking a deep sigh as he well Know whats coming next.

"What? are you serious? I'm not gonna come to your home. Please take me to the place where everyone is there ". Avni yelled, though she doesn't want to leave him but the thought of " what society will think " disturbed her mind.

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