Extra Chapter | Four

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*Not a proofread.

Chapter Contains cuss words skip if you are  uncomfortable.

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Author's Pov

"Three years back, I banged you for two days continuously. Like f*k I can still feel your walls warmth. Now tell me Don't you Remember baby ? " Raj smirked.

Suddenly Avni's eyes widened with horror. She suddenly felt her body going numb as soon as he heard him. Whatever she tried to forgot in these two years is infront of her again.

"I'll remove my palm. Don't you dare to shout or else I'll rip your clothes and bang you hard without mercy " He darkly threatened avni and removed his hand's off her mouth.

As soon as he removed avni tried to shout.

"You bi*ch, told you not to shout. "  Raj slapped her making avni cry out with pain. Blood oozed out from her lip while her cheeks burned red with the harsh hit. She stopped shouting but her sob's can be heard through out the cabin.

"Good and now don't cry " he wiped her tears. Avni gave a disgusted look.

"What's your rate ?Few year's back itself I payed you alot in that brothel just for two day's. Tell me what's your rate now? " he asked and held Avni's hands tight so that she could not escape.

Avni just smirked.

"My rate will be your death. " Avni spat on his face angrily.

Raj fumed.

"You're a prostitu*e yet this much attitude ? " He gritted his teeth and gripped her hair's into his fist tightly.

"I'm giving you another chance. Leave me I won't say anything to my husband. " Avni said looking at his eyes.

"Kya tumhara husband bhagwan hai? " Raj laughed. "By the way how did he even married a prostitute? " he again laughed.

Avni's eyes turned glassy. But she controlled herself coz in these two years Neil teached her to be strong not weak.

"I don't have time. Tell me how much you want for a week. I'll take you to my farm house and give you hard f*k there " he smirked.

"Ya, I'll tell my rate but at first leave me so that I can breathe properly. " Avni said.

"Dare you escape! " Raj loosened his grip around her hands.

Avni stood up. Her whole body was shaking with anger.

"Well, I can see you're again back to your job. I thought you won't agree with me  as you said you have husband now and pregnant. " he said tracing Avni's face with his thumb.

"I can see your end! "  Avni spit on his face and kicked straight on his groin with her knee.

"Ahh.....f*k. You " Raj cried out with pain.  While taking this as opportunity avni tried to run but before she could have Raj held her Saree pallu and pulled her back. Avni hit floor with thud.

"B*th I won't leave you. " Raj screamed and removed her Saree pallu off her body and stuffed handkerchief inside of her mouth. Avni struggled to escape. She again tried to hit his lower part but he held her legs.

" You think you're smart huh! I'll rape you now itself. I'll make your bleed here in my cabin. You know it's afternoon and no one will come here." he laughed and unbuckled his belt with his one hand while other hand clutched Avni's Arms.

Avni eyes teared but she was not scared or afraid .she rememberd Neil's word's Neil's teachings
She remembered how Neil made her learn self defense techniques and karate. "He always told her fighting against the bad is more better than being silent ".

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