Śhot ~15 (18+)

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⚠ Mature content :").


He presses his lips against mine in a hungry way. Unlike before it wasn't a smooth kiss instead It was ferocious,wild and desperate.

My hands reach up and warp around his chocolate brown locks of hair and I press myself more closer to him.

Our lips mould together like a perfect puzzle moving with a wavy sync. He moans into my mouth as I trace his neck through my finger's sensuously.

He slightly tugs his teeth grazing through the lower lip which instantly made my mouth open with load gasp .
Neil took this as an advantage ,as he invades his tongue inside of my mouth exploring the every corner.

After what felt like hours, his lips slowly unmould with mine. And we both gaze each other panting a little hard.

"That was awesome! " Neil chirps as his arms go around my waist and he burries his head into my hair inhaling it softly.

Slowly, He brushes his lips into my cheeks and travels them down my throat giving sweet & wet kisses all along.

"Ne..illl" My eyes flutter wanting more as he started to place slow and  meaningful kisses along my neck.

"What jaanu? " Neil asks as he licks my sweet spot tenderly.

His lips curve into a smirk which I badly wanted to wipe. But right now all I wanted was him.. his touch. His love. His care.

I close my eyes taking his slow assaults on my hot body as my mouth sealed to speak anything rather than moan.

"I'll bury myself inside of you so hard ,till our neighbors know my name avni.." He whispers into my ears huskily.

I swallowed hard.

"But... Neighbors know your name? "I reply innocently , my lips tune into a slight smirk.

Neil crooks his brow up before muttering something hot.

"Well, then I'll f**k you so hard until our neighbors come to our flat with no distrub sigh. What say? "

I gasp a little hearing such things from Neil's mouth.

"Is he really my Neil?" . I thought for a

My hands travel up to his chest and comes to rest above his heart.  Slowly I  roam my fingers around his shirt buttons before unclasping them ,one by one.

Before I could remove the forth button .I felt Neil's hands slowly coil around my waist taking me up in a bridal style. Though I gasp a little but immediately I wrap my arms around his neck as he carries me towards the bed. Our eyes lock with each other as he slowly lays me down the mattress.

He turn to walk away ,which made my confuse.

"Did he think this as Mistake?"

"Baby girl, don't think much. As I said this night is gonna rough for you. I'll just come in a minute " Neil winks before leaving me alone on bed.

I  close my eyes to calm my intense respirations ,but soon I hear the faint foot steps which are indicators of Neil's presence.

I open my eyes and gaze towards door only to witness Neil with chocolate syrup.

Chocolate syrup?

Before I could process anything. Neil hoveres over me without placing his entire body weight.

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